Having fun

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Izuku was surprising katsuki with something but he wouldn't tell him what it was but he already knew what it was since he was wearing swimming trunks and a shirt, izuku uncovered katsukis eyes showing him a pool but all of his friends were there, katsuki spotted a black haired boy..sero

Katsuki started to panic then turned back facing izuku,"Mm..no, no I don't wanna be here",katsukis breath turned shaky,"Hey..it's okay, I'll be right here",izuku smiled

Katsuki nodded then sighed,"Have some fun, don't let people ruin it for you",izuku ruffled katsukis hair

"Tsk..dont touch my hair",katsuki shooed izukus hand away, izuku chuckled then took off his shirt, katsuki took off his shirt as well then put it on one of the chairs and izuku put his stuff on the same bench

Izuku picked up katsuki and he yelped,"Wait no! Stop! Deku!!",katsuki started to scream, everyone started laughing, izuku threw katsuki into the pool

Everyone started to jump into the pool and so did izuku, katsuki went up gasping for air, someone tapped on katsukis shoulder, katsuki turned his head seeing sero with a frown

"Oh..hey, what's up?",katsuki faced sero,"I just want to apologize for what I said, I know your mad and all, it was stupid and I realized it..I'm gonna be a better person for you, I realized I was being too hard on you all the time and I'm sorry..I'll be a better best friend for you like you deserve",sero explained

"Sero..I'm not mad at you at all",katsuki frowned then hugged sero tightly and sero returned the hug,"Hold your breath",sero mumbled in katsukis ear

"Hm? What why–",someone pulled katsuki down making him hold his breath, sero went down as well then saw izuku pulling him down, sero started to swim down pulling katsuki out of izukus tight grasp bringing his head up from the water

Katsuki gasped for air staring at sero,"You good?",sero asked, katsuki nodded quickly before sniffling, everyones eyes darted over to the gate looking at uraraka

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late",uraraka smiled,"It's alright girl! Come on in the pool!",mina shouted, katsuki looked over at izuku who was frowning, katsuki looked over at sero who was looking straight at him

Sero let go of katsuki then pursed his lips,"Just act normal..",katsuki mumbled,"I know that",sero mumbled,"Wait isn't kiri here..",sero realized

"Dammit I told you it was a bad idea to say dekus my boyfriend",katsuki furrowed his eyebrows, sero started to think then wrapped his arms around katsukis waist

"Almost forgot kiri has bad memory sooo..we'll say he heard it wrong and that I'm your boyfriend",sero said,"Why would a friend date his friends ex?",katsuki asked

Sero shrugged then looked over at kirishima who was watching katsuki and him,"Play along idiot",sero gritted through his teeth

Katsuki clicked his tongue then wrapped his arms around seros neck, katsuki heard a splash then looked over to see uraraka kissing izuku, jealousy flowed in katsukis blood

"Hey..don't look at them",sero said, katsuki sighed then rested his head on seros chest, sero patted katsukis back,"Just have fun with our friends, okay?"

"Okay..",katsuki responded then let go of sero, sero let go of his waist then pulled him over to the group of people,"Guys, let's see who can swim the fastest!",denki suggested

"Cool, I'm in!",mina said happily,"Why not",jirou smirked,"Ooh I'm definitely in!",sero said excitedly,"Me too!",kirishima said

"Hell yeah! I'm definitely gonna win!",katsuki said with a wide grin,"Yeah, sureeee",sero rolled his eyes,"Okay everyone get in your places!",denki shouted

"Three..two..ONE!",denki shouted then everyone started to swim off to the other side of the pool, denki was in the lead and sero was right behind him

Katsuki started to paddle faster losing all his energy, denki touched the other side of the pool before katsuki,"I WON!!",denki shouted getting out the pool cheering

Katsuki got out the pool as well then stood behind denki with an emotionless face,"Hey denki..",kirishima called out,"Yeah what's up?!",denki shouted

"Behind you!!",sero shouted, denki turned around then katsuki held onto denki then jumped off with him making a huge splash

Everyone started screaming and laughing, katsuki and denki went up for air, katsuki swimmed away then passed someone not knowing who it was but he could care less

Everyone had fun with each other but it was getting late so everyone started drying off then leaving, when uraraka left izuku ran up to katsuki then started to kiss his lips repeatedly wrapping his arms around katsukis waist

"Well I don't wanna see this so both of you get home safe",sero said, katsuki held up a thumbs up not sparing one look at sero

Izuku and katsuki continued to randomly make out then after a moment they both headed home

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