2:13 You Can't Save Them All

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You Can't Save Them All
Part 2

You Can't Save Them AllPart 2————

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Alaric looked down at it before back into the eyes of his daughter, cupping her cheek. "It's okay. Easy does it." He said before gently grabbing her and getting her out of the car, earning groans from Lizzie. "We need to get you to the hospital. Everything's gonna be just fine." Alaric strained, lifting Lizzie out of the car to lean on it.

Lizzie coughs, looking at her dad. "Dad, I drank vampire blood. Please don't let me die." Lizzie pleaded, tears in her eyes, obviously petrified for her life.

Alaric looked around before picking Lizzie up. "You're not gonna die." He reassured his daughter.


You, Alaric, Lizzie and Josie had made it to the hospital. Alaric rushed to the operating table, with you following just as quickly and helped gently placed Lizzie down on the bench. Josie just took her precious time.

Lizzie started groaning out in pain, louder than the ones she had done before. Alaric handed you the towels her picked up from the table, once you grabbed them, you immediately put pressure on Lizzies wound, causing her to cough and groan in pain.

"You're gonna be okay, Lizzie. It's all right, it's all right." Alaric soothed, looking into his daughters eyes.

You looked at Josie, watching as she looked at Lizzies wound, showing no emotion. "The black magic is making her worse." Josie stated, Lizzie groaning in pain again, panting as well. "She won't make it with it inside her." Josie continued.

Tears formed in your eyes at you looked at Lizzie before between the two of them. "If I give her my blood, she'll heal but the black magic will kill her and if it does, she's sired to me Ric." You explained rather quickly.

Alaric looked into your glazed over eyes, knowing you were trying your best to not cry and he hated to admit it but so was he. He then let out a sigh and looked at Josie. "Well, Josie, can you do something?" Alaric questioned.

Lizzie then started crying out in pain, tears streaming down her face. "Josie." You called, your voice in a orderly tone that gained her attention. Her emotionless face met your worried face. "Please, she's your sister." You pleaded.

"I'll be unconscious for a little while." She then tilted her head to the side, her eyes turning black. "Don't be scared." She then started siphoning Lizzie, her eyes shutting and black veins travelling up her neck, causing both the twins to fall unconscious.

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