The Deal

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"Here comes Pin jersey number 12 running with the ball and aiming for the goal, he backs up, turn up and slide with ball and here comes the kick!!!and shoot!!!!! Goal! BN High wins the championship of the season! Congratulations!!!!"

Click! click ! Here Pin! look here, smile for the camera! click.

"Good evening Pin, and congratulations on winning the championship! my name is Gracie. Just a question, what inspired today's performance of yours?"

"I am always at my best, but today it's more for me because of a deal. If I win I get to date the person I love the most." and Pin made a finger heart and even gave a flying kiss on national TV.

Every body in the entire town is celebrating and enjoying this achievement. Many are excited for the team's home coming and a lot are looking forward to spend the time with them and share the accomplishment.

Every body but only one man- Son. He was fidgeting and nervous and is always on his toes since the championship. Only one reason- he was the one Pin mentioned in his interviews.

And right now Son is turmoil, he is in doubt about the deal that he made with Pin. 

Pin and I are what you can call childhood friends but we aren't actually that close. We just happened to be neighbors and grow at the same time. 

We were classmates and sometimes schoolmates, but I couldn't really tell that we are close. But came first year college and the wind started to blew from different direction for Pin.

It started when he came back from the province to visit his grandparents during the summer break. The three-month summer vacation that we were apart made a huge changes on both of us. I became taller, yet paler. My shoulders were broad yet my waist is so thin. My built is rather thin yet my face has still some baby fats left on them. People would call me pretty and even my mother would tease me too. Maybe I hit puberty differently?

But Pin is the total opposite. Maybe I am taller than him for about 2 or 3 cms but his body was well built. He was toned and tanned!!!! very manly looking. Why is there so much difference? and then he started to show his skills in soccer!. 

Actually for this year we are in different classes but we still managed to go to school and go home at the same time. 

"Hey! Son!" I turned back as I heard Pin called me.

"Hmmm." I answered him

"What do you think about me?" My eyebrows knitted upon hearing his question. I looked at him dumbfoundedly.

"Hmmm. what do you mean? I need more than that." and replied Pin

"I mean. How do I look?" and I could see that he is some what getting shy with his answer.

"Ahhh. I think you know the answer to that. Many of our schoolmates likes you, even the girls in my class thinks you are handsome...."

I was interrupted when he held me on my shoulders and said "I'm not asking about other people, I am asking about yours." and he looked at me intently, and as I gazed in to his eyes, I could also see his face. Ahhh he has nice curly long lashes and his iris is golden brown. Heck! He's really handsome and good looking.

"I...also think you are handsome." I said this and I could feel my cheeks heating and I was stunned for a moment as Pin smiled at me beautifully. 

Then my breath literally stopped as I felt something soft and moist touched my lips. I blinked a lot of times and realized it was Pin's mouth. His face is so near that I'm having double vision of him.

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