15. My sanctuary

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I almost died when I saw him.

He was so handsome, wearing a frock and bow tie and everything. His hair was as tousled as usual, mind, but that only made him look cuter than ever.

Even so, I felt my heart sink when I saw him. He shouldn't be anywhere near me! I wasn't good for him. I would only hurt him, force him to re-live his old memories. 

But I saw him get into the dancing circle with purpose, and for every twirl he made with the woman he was dancing with, he would catch my eye. And he would move one step down to dance with another woman and still keep his eyes on me as he got closer and closer.

When he was dancing with the last woman before me, I decided that as soon as I was released by the man I was dancing with, I would run. We did our last turn, and I turned towards the sunset...

And was immediately caught around my waist by a strong arm, and that strong arm twirled me around effortlessly, dancing with me as if he had never done anything else in his life, continuing the dance.

"Stay with me", he said darkly.

That was the only thing he said.

Oh, it was heavenly! Tobirama was an amazing dancer, swinging me around more lightly than any of the other men on the island had done. I looked up at him in awe during the entire dance, but he was looking ahead of him, above my head, a frown on his face.

And when our turn was done, he didn't move to the next woman, and I didn't move to the next man. Our souls had spoken to one another, even if our mouths had not, and we stepped out of the circle, perfectly synchronised, and he bowed to me, and took my hand and kissed it.

"Come with me", he said.

And when he took my hand, I followed him.

We walked slowly across the soft sand dunes, the dry grass rustling beneath our feet. We were in no rush as we walked to the lighthouse, me holding the skirt of my dress up, Tobirama with his hand in his pocket. I was trembling all over.

I unlocked the door to the lighthouse, my sanctuary, and we walked up the stairs going in a spiral up its inner walls. Once up, he turned to me, started fondling with the thin band of my dress. I blushed.

"I didn't know you liked dresses", he said, and his eyes were burning.

I almost died.

"You don't like it?" I asked, even if it was written all over his face what he thought.

"I didn't think I could become more obsessed with you then I already am", he said.

I took a step back, suddenly remembering why I had avoided him in the first place.

"But I'm not good for you!" I burst out. "I caused you to remember your trauma!"

Tobirama's face fell.

"Is that what you think?" he whispered, looking distraught.

I frowned.

"Wasn't that what happened?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Oh, Izuna", Tobirama said, and he stepped forwards and took me into his arms. In that moment, his arms were more of a sanctuary to me that my lighthouse was. "Izuna, Izuna, Izuna, Izuna... No." He kissed the top of my head. "No. No, no, no, no. I should have apologised a long time ago. Instead, I tried to protect you by avoiding you. We should have talked things through immediately."

"Let's never stop talking, then." I looked up at him, setting my lips. "Except when we fuck. Then, I'll scream."

He kissed me.

He tore his clothes apart. When I lifted my hands to undress myself, he stopped me.

"No. No, I want to take you wearing that."

The happiness I felt when he accepted me for who I was by multiplied by a thousand by the sexual thrill it also gave me. I gladly went down on all four for him, and he stood on his knees behind me.

He was as wild and dirty a lover as I remembered, and I truly did scream, not caring who happened to walk past the lighthouse and hear us.

He came quickly. But then, he turned me over, put my legs on his shoulders and took me again, still rock-hard. I didn't know men could do that. And this time, I could see in his face that he held back for me, waited for me to come, which I did, covering the chiffon of my dress and his naked body with me, and only then did he allow himself to come a second time.

He looked at me in awe, and I saw he had tears in his eyes.

"Izuna..." he said.

And we hugged in the last day of the year when the sun wouldn't set.

We would have bruised knees for weeks, both of us.

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