Chapter 12: Conscious

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As she sat beside Alec on the bed, she couldn't help the movement of her leg, as it bounced up and down. Ethel kept on checking her phone for any updates from Izzy, and would often ask Magnus how Alec was doing (from his perspective, as a warlock with healing abilities). Every time, she would be disappointed with her findings on both ends. Nevertheless, she kept an optimistic mind, trying to encourage Magnus that everything would turn out okay. After a while, though, she was wondering if her efforts would be futile. 

The Lightwood kept mumbling while in his trance, sweat covering his forehead and ruffling often turning his head to the opposite side. "Just hang on a little longer, Alec. He'll be here soon. Jace will be here." As if on queue, she received a text from Izzy. Her eyes widened and she stood up from her bed abruptly, before turning to Magnus with a wide smile. "Izzy and Clary found him! She says they're near, that they got the wolves to stand down!"

"Finally some good news." He breathed out, leaning his body against the wall, as exhaustion threatened to bring him down. 

Ethel quickly went back to Alec's side, and kneeled by the bed to speak to him. "Did you hear that, Alec? Jace is coming. Please, just hold on with all the strength you have left. Do it for him, and your sister."

That's when a knock came from the front door. Magnus went directly to open it, and there came both Izzy, Jace and Clary. "He can't last much longer." The warlock admitted as he directed them to the guest bedroom. 

Seeing the blonde enter, Ethel nodded at him, before moving out of the way. "Alec." His worry was tangled in his voice, as he spoke his parabatai's name. He took his hand, and began reciting something Ethel did not recognize, but she figured it had some relevance with their bond, or whatever was happening to the oldest Lightwood. "Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee."

Izzy went to her side, and quickly grabbed Ethel's hand in anticipation. She squeezed, trying to silently reassure her that now, with Jace, everything would get better. But she didn't know if it will. For all she knew, he could be there too late, or reuniting with his parabatai would not fix this thing anyway. And with her pessimistic thoughts came bad news in reality. Alec had moved abruptly, as if in pain, and dropped the parabatai tracking stone. "What's happening?"

"He's slipping." Magnus admitted with a sour look. 

The redhead mumbled from Izzy's other side. "No..." This was followed by Alec wheezing.

In panic, Ethel tried to think of something to help the situation. However, it was just a simple guess that would possibly not work. "Bring him closer to you."

"What?" Jace turned to her in question.

"Hug him." She clarified, hoping that more physical contact would help. "His mind might not be able to comprehend that you're here yet. That its you. So, hug him."

He'd comply, and do as told. All the while, he continued to recite the poem-like sentences from before. "Thy people will be my people, thy God will be my God. When thou diest, I will die. And there will I be buried. The Angel do so to me." Much to their dismay, Alec released one breath of air, and dropped his head on Jace's shoulder, making others seem that he may have just passed. Teary, Jace hugs him tighter, and lets out a few more words in anguish. "And more also... if aught but death part thee and me. Please don't leave me, Alec."

Six seconds of silence passed, and everyone thought all was lost. But then, they heard a weak reply from the eldest Lightwood. It was almost imperceptible, but they heard him. "If aught but death part thee and me."

Ethel smiled widely and squeezed Izzy's hand once more, this time in joy and relief. The parabatai's hugged. Unfortunately, their jubilant moment had to come to an end. Aldertree and a few other shadowhunters barged into the room, and arrested the blonde. "Jace Wayland! You are hereby sentenced to the City of Bones to await trial for the charge of high treason and aiding Valentine in a war against the Clave."

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