N/A: Update Schedule

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It seems that I may have been overzealous in my wish to update a chapter every day, on each on my stories. Because I can't seem to manage doing that, and handling other things from my life, I've chosen to make a schedule. From it, you will know when I will update this story, and others from my profile. This is how it goes:

Tuesday: Eternal Slumber - An Alec Lightwood LS

Thursday: Jinxed - An Alec Lightwood LS

Now, this DOES NOT MEAN I won't, every once in a while, choose to update a chapter on other days. However, on these particular days, you can expect, without fail (unless I warn you otherwise), that a chapter will be updated. In other words, you'll have one chapter a week on each story, guaranteed, and if my life allows it, more on other days of the week.

I hope you can understand these changes. For those who have been loyally reading all chapters as they were updated, I optimistically expect you to stay. And everyone else as well. Anyways, I've got to go. Good morning/afternoon/evening/night, depending on wherever you are. Bye lovelies. Until our next chapter :)

Jinxed - An Alec Lightwood LSWhere stories live. Discover now