ch 93

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  Although Shi An really doesn't want to see Mu Heng now, it would be very convenient to have such a similar pocket.

After much deliberation, he finally decided to take a gamble.

Shi An opened the contact list, found Zhuo Fu, edited a message and sent it.

Soon, Zhuo Fu replied:

"Yes, yes!"

Before Shi An could reply, a new text message came: "Don't worry, you don't have to be polite with me, just come to the laboratory to find me if you need it. I'll prepare one for you."

A bouncing bunny emoji was attached at the back.

Well, it's pretty easy.

Shi An thought for a while, and sent another message: "By the way, is Mu Heng here now?"

Zhuo Fu was silent for a few seconds: "I went out to perform a mission, but he is not here, why? You can't contact him Do you want me to help you find someone?"

Shi An hurriedly replied:

"No, no, I just asked casually."

He paused, and then sent a rabbit emoji.

After putting down the phone, Shi An felt a little more at ease.

Now that Mu Heng has gone out to carry out the mission, he should not run into anyone when he goes to Zhuo Fu to get things now.

Twenty minutes later.

Shi An familiarly touched the laboratory in the management bureau.

The translucent glass door in front of him was closed tightly, and the shadowy figure inside could be vaguely seen.

The door of the laboratory opened slowly.

Zhuo Fu was wearing a white coat loosely, looked up towards the door, and waved to Shi An enthusiastically: "Here! Come in!"

Although Shi An has been here more than once, but basically for some painless tests, most of the time is waiting outside, this is the first time he has come to the core area of ​​the laboratory.

Shi An looked curiously at the huge laboratory in front of him.

The dome here is very high and very wide. The overall color is cold silvery white, extending in all directions. The thick metal walls are obviously treated specially, which can not only block the line of sight, but also prevent the entry and release of magic power.

Zhuo Fu walked over quickly and said enthusiastically: "I never thought that An An, you would come to me for help at the first time, I am so touched!"

He blinked at Shi An: "How much capacity do you want to hold? What?"

Shi An thought for a while, and decided to make his request a little vaguer:

"The bigger the better?"

"Wow!" Zhuo Fu widened his eyes in surprise, "Your request is not low!"

He frowned. , Think about it carefully, and then say: "Come with me."

After speaking, he took Shi An and walked towards the inside.

One of the metal doors opened, revealing rows of magic expansion bags.

Zhuo Fu enthusiastically introduced: "In short, that's about all the large-capacity ones. If it's just for daily use, this one is very good. It has a full area of ​​500 cubic meters. It can be done even if it is bigger. Fill out a few forms, and send them back regularly for testing, in case the internal magic power is unstable or something..."

He walked inward with Shi An while chattering.

Shi An glanced at the magic expansion bag in front of him, and suddenly stopped at an inconspicuous corner of it.

It's much smaller than the others and looks out of place with its surroundings.

"What about this?" Shi An asked, pointing at it.

Zhuo Fu: "This..."

He scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I made this... Hehe, semi-finished product."

Shi An looked up suspiciously: "Semi-finished product?"

Zhuo Fu: "That's right, I originally wanted to make something that can It is an expansion bag that increases the size of the space by inputting magic power from the user, but the feedback from the final experiment is so-so, because most people's magic power has a limit. Even if they input all their strength, the expanded area is at most only the one I just mentioned. Of course my theory is correct..."

He coughed and his voice became softer: "It's just not practical."

Shi An's eyes gradually brightened as he narrated.

Increase space size by typing magic?

This, isn't this tailor-made for their dragons!

"I want this!" Shi An made a decisive decision.

Zhuofu: "...Eh?"

He couldn't believe it: "Really?"

Shi'an nodded seriously: "I like this!"

Zhuofu sniffed his nose, with a touch of emotion on his face: "You actually For me, I am willing to use this semi-finished product! An An, you are so kind!"

Shi An: "..."

No, this is because you think too much.

Zhuo Fu waved his hand: "I made this, so there is no need to register. If you want it, just take it away. You're welcome!"

Satisfied, Shi An showed him a happy smile.

Zhuo Fu led Shi An out.

At this moment, Shi An paused slightly.

An irresistible traction came from not far away, dragging his eyes to look in that direction.

It was a long sword.

The blade of the sword is like ice, clean and sharp, like a bright pool of moonlight, releasing a cold breath outward.

The moment his eyes touched the blade, Shi An suddenly had the illusion of being cut. A strong chill snaked up his spine, passing over his body like a chill.

He seemed to smell blood and flames, steel and death.

It's the smell of dragon's blood.

In the next second, a scarlet gleam flashed in the depths of the boy's dark eyes, like a fire burning in the darkness.

In an instant, there was only a metallic clang.

The blade began to tremble slightly, and invisible waves of magic power were released, as if clamoring for blood and the desire to kill.

Zhuo Fu, who was walking in front, was taken aback: "What, what's the matter?"

He hurried over.

The two assistants around looked at each other: "...I don't know, it suddenly..."

Shi An suddenly regained his senses and looked away.

The sound of the sword's cry dropped sharply.

Zhuo Fu looked at Shi An apologetically: "I'm sorry to scare you, we haven't fully figured out the mechanism of this sword..." Shi An shook his head, seemingly absent-minded: "It's okay."


said : "Then I'll go first."

Zhuo Fu came back to his senses in a hurry, and waved at him: "No!"

Shi An walked out, showing a thoughtful look.

Even without asking, he knew who the sword belonged to.

Although the last time he fought Mu Heng was in a state of insanity, but even so, Shi An still remembered that the moment the opponent's blade broke on his scales, the bright fragments of the blade It suddenly splashed and disappeared into the air like falling snow.

Now it seems that this should be the weapon of the dragon slayer.

It can penetrate the dragon's scales and cut open the dragon's chest.

Even if he didn't need to get close, Shi An could still feel the blood-thirsty breath emanating from the blade.

Shi An narrowed his eyes, his eyes were dark.

After his own strength gradually recovered, although Mu Heng was the strongest among humans, Shi An actually didn't take it too seriously. After all, the last experience proved that even the strongest humans cannot wear Through his innate strong defense ability, but now the situation is completely different.

With the sword, Mu Heng has a way to destroy his scales.

Shi An's expression turned serious.

——It seems that it is time to pick up the plan that has been shelved by myself and implement it as the most important goal.

As a collection, Mu Heng must be beautiful, shiny, and complete, but also quiet, docile, and obedient.

Nothing enables a human being to achieve these wonderful qualities more than death.

It's just...

the body temperature will always become cold.

Shi An couldn't help but feel a little pity.

As he walked forward with his head down, he tugged at his collar uncomfortably.

I don't know if it was because the magic power was consumed too much before, or because he was just affected by the breath of the sword. Shi An felt that the magic power in his body was becoming unstable, which made him feel a strange sense of crisis.

Shi An subconsciously quickened his pace.

However, just after turning a corner, he slammed into someone's arms.

A dark overcoat, a broad and strong chest, pressed on his shoulders, and slender palms with black gloves.

Shi An froze, and slowly raised his head.

A pair of silver-blue eyes drooped down, and his gloomy and deep gaze quietly fell on him.

It's Mu Heng.

Shi An: "..."

Didn't we agree to go on a mission! ! !

Mu Heng's voice was low and calm: "Obviously, my mission is over."

Shi An: "..."

Wait, did I ask that sentence just now?

The temperature of the human beings was transmitted from the close position, and the strong memory of the other party's touch made Shi'an's whole dragon stiff, and the familiar breath lingered on the nose, like a huge, inescapable The net wrapped him up.

Shi An subconsciously wanted to back away.

However, the other party took a step forward without any trace, and easily shortened the distance between the two of them again.

Mu Heng looked at the young man in front of him:

"Why, you don't want to see me?"

The other party's voice was cold and magnetic, and his light-colored thin lips slightly opened and closed, appearing deep and ascetic.

But Shi An's face became hot.

He shook his head, looked away, and said bravely, "...No, no." It's

fine without body temperature, really.

I'd rather die! !

Mu Heng chuckled: "It's just right, I also want to find you next time."

Shi An: "Eh?" Mu Heng: "I 'm going

to Ross District next time."

Where is the dragon.

Random searches on the mainland will not yield any results, and the other party can only come in person.

The biggest weakness of the giant dragon is its greed and revenge. It will not let go of any chance to take back its treasure, nor will it let go of any human being who has touched its treasure.

According to all the current information, all the dragon treasures obtained by the high-ranking officials and nobles in Aiwen District were all taken away by mercenaries, and the delivery direction was Roth District.

Wherever the treasure is, the dragon will inevitably appear there.

Shi An was startled: "Rose District?"

He will go to this place next time!

Not only because the group of humans transported his treasure there, but also for a more important reason -

only in that particular canyon in the Rose District, there is that kind of monster that can secrete amber.

It can seal a human being in the most vivid and beautiful state, die silently, and become a collection that can be preserved forever.

Shi An thought.

If he wanted to go to Ross District alone, he couldn't find an excuse to evade his itinerary, and if the dragon reappeared in Ross District during the time he disappeared, he would be suspected no matter what, so why not...

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

What should I say to make the other party agree to take me with me?

Shi An was lost in thought.

At this moment, the magical agitation that he thought he had completely suppressed slowly rose, spreading and expanding along the limbs, bringing a strange yet familiar heat.

Shi An: "...?!"

Like a bolt from the blue, his eyes widened suddenly.

This feeling is too familiar to him.

Shi An raised his eyes subconsciously, and looked towards Mu Heng.

The man in front of him had silver hair and blue eyes, his expression was indifferent, and he looked over quietly.

The distance between them was so close that An felt a little hard to breathe when they were so close. The palm of the opponent's hand on her shoulder brought a heat and strength that could not be ignored, and a weird tingling sensation rose from the depths of her spinal cord.

Shi'an's pupils trembled.

No, can't you?

here? ?


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