ch 139

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 "Can I get in touch with the officer?"

Wen Yao stepped forward, looked over Zhuo Fu's shoulder, and looked down at the phone in the opponent's hand.

Zhuo Fu took a deep breath and shook his head anxiously:


No matter how they tried, they couldn't get in touch with Mu Heng at all.

Zhuofu even contacted the technical department privately through his relationship, but found nothing.

He raised his eyes subconsciously and looked at the communicator not far away.

The tens of seconds of video was frozen at the moment when the man turned away from the flames and stepped into the darkness. His figure was clearly divided by light and darkness, making him appear cold and distant.

Zhuo Fu felt that his heart seemed to be sinking slowly.

In a sense, Mu Heng is out of control now.

He couldn't be stopped, and worse, unless he wanted to, denying that no one in the entire continent could get in touch with him.

The whole situation is developing in an irresistible direction, and they can only stand by helplessly, watching.

"Then... what should we do now?" Zhuo Fu asked in a dry voice.

Wen Yao frowned and did not answer.

She was pacing in the living room, barely concealing her restlessness.

Zhuo Fu turned his head and looked at the black-robed man who had not said a word from the beginning, and even closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep: "Can we start with him?" "


Wen Yao clenched her muscles Stretched, slowly shook his head: "A fanatic who wants to die, do you think he might help us?" What's

more, he was the one who planned the whole thing.

Wen Yao has not put back the man in black's chin until now, because she is very sure that the moment she drags his chin back, the man will immediately continue to try to commit suicide without hesitation.

This kind of person is like this.

They are not afraid of death, they are not afraid of torture, they are crazy enough to put everything aside, just to achieve their goals.

However, Wen Yao still kept him.

After all, this is their only clue now, and Mu Heng might know how to pry the information from this person—if they have a chance to contact Mu Heng.

Once again, things have reached an impasse.

At this moment, Zhuo Fu seemed to suddenly realize something: "Wait... I seem to know."

Wen Yao was startled, and looked up.

Zhuo Fu was a little excited: "Although we have no way to contact Mu Heng, we can let him come to us on his own initiative—" "...


Wen Yao frowned, unable to understand the meaning of Zhuo Fu's words for a moment.

Let Mu Heng in this state take the initiative to come to them? How can it be?

"No, no, no, we have to think about the problem from another angle..."

Zhuo Fu's eyes sparkled, and his breathing was a little short:

"The purpose of these heretics is to facilitate the opening of the blood moon seal, right?"

Wen Yao nodded .

Zhuofu: "Actually, I have been trying to conduct research in this direction for a while..."

He quickly walked to the bedside, picked up a stack of materials: "If you want to destroy such an ancient seal, you must have enough The medium, that is, some kind of object with powerful magic power—even if Mu Heng is on their side now, this condition will still not change."

I don't know when it started, the eyelids of the man in black moved, the blue-black wrinkled eyelids slowly lifted, and the half-blind eyes fixedly looked towards Zhuo Fu's direction.

"It's just that, up to now, most of the objects have been destroyed by Shi'an."

Zhuo Fu lowered his head and flipped through the information, found a page and pointed it to Wen Yao:

"Look, there are still abnormal fluctuations left on the entire continent. It's running out."

Wen Yao was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood Zhuo Fu's meaning: " ensure safety, the officer will ensure that all the media are collected."

Zhuo Fu grinned: "That's right. '

And they happen to know where one of the mediums is.

——In the laboratory of the Authority, in the stomach of that spider monster.

Shi An was tormented by these ancient books in front of him with a headache.

Although he can recognize the words above, it doesn't mean that he is willing to use these boring and obscure things as recreational reading.

Over the years, Shi An has used violence to solve problems.

If one fire can't solve it, then come two.

It was pure torture for him to pored over these ancient tomes written by the dullest scholars of every race.

Shi An buried his head in the book with a "boom", and let out a muffled wail.

"My lord, are you okay?" The devil worm slipped over and asked in a low voice.

"Very good."

Shi An kept this posture and said in a muffled voice,

"Keep looking."

The monster squatted on one of the stacks of books and watched the young man in front of him.

There was a complex expression on its face.

After such a long time, it dare not say how much it understands Shi An, but at least it has a concept.

This mighty dragon is far from being as cruel as the monster once imagined. On the contrary, he is even more willing to sleep in a cave than to kill or set a few towns in flames. Although he loves treasure as much as the legend , but it is far less greedy and unscrupulous, and can even be regarded as easy to satisfy.

No being knows better than it how dragons hate trouble.

But now... Shi An is willing to bite the bullet and read these boring ancient books.

...It's over, my dragon is really about to be abducted by humans.

When the monster was in grief, the black smoke on the other side seemed to find something, and let out a surprise cry: "My lord! I think this may be useful!"

Shi An finally raised his head from the ancient book this time. :

"Let me take a look?"

The black smoke dragged the heavy scroll covered with dust, and due to the exaggerated weight, its body was almost blurred.

When Shi An glanced around, his eyes lit up.

Zhuo Fu drove the car towards the direction of the administration.

Wen Yao sat on the co-pilot, narrowed her eyes slightly, stared at the scenery passing by the car window, and asked,

"How long will it take?"

Zhuo Fu: " just asked this question five minutes ago. "

Wen Yao took a deep breath, raised her hand and pinched the bridge of her nose, with a rare tired look on her face:


Zhuo Fu glanced at her, and suddenly asked,

"You should know now, By doing so, we could end up with the last thing the Authority wants to happen, right?"

Wen Yao: "You mean, call Shi'an back to the mainland?"

She sneered lightly and shook her head: "To tell you the truth, I haven't had time to think about this issue before making these decisions. . .

. " Or rather, instinctively unwilling to think about it.

After all, even now, she still can't trust such a powerful fantasy creature, let alone take the initiative to summon him back to the mainland.

But judging from the current situation, this may be the best ending they have achieved.

After Wen Yao finished speaking, she turned her head and looked forward, but she suddenly met the surprised gaze of the other party.

Zhuo Fu in the driver's seat looked at her, looking very surprised.

Wen Yao was taken aback by the other party's expression:

"...why, what's the matter?" "

You just... called his name." Zhuo Fu laughed quickly and said,


After knowing Shi An's true identity, no matter what the situation, Wen Yao always refers to the existence of the other party as "dragon" or "dragon", as if to be vigilant all the time, reminding him all the time. It seems that their positions are in opposition to each other.

This was the first time in a long time that she called the dragon "Shian".

Wen Yao was startled for a moment.

Memories from a few days ago suddenly appeared in her mind.

The sea of ​​fog was raging, the flames roared, the dragon's wings cut through the sky and the dense fog, and the golden-red pupils were as pure and brilliant as flames.

It lowered its head and said in a soft tone that these fogs are no longer a threat to humans for the time being.

She frowned, expelled the clear picture in memory from her mind, and said in a cold tone:

"It's just a proxy, don't think too much."

Zhuo Fu withdrew his gaze, but the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably:

"Yeah, you say yes."

Wen Yao became a little annoyed: "You—"

Before she finished speaking, the car body drifted and drove into the management area. Bureau's underground garage.

The tires screeched against the ground and stopped in the parking space.

Zhuo Fu turned to look at Wen Yao, and said calmly: "Don't you want to know how long it will be? It's already here."

Wen Yao: "..."

She gave Zhuo Fu a cold look, and then untied the seat belt , got out of the car.

Wen Yao opened the trunk and pulled out the man in black who had been stuffed inside.

Zhuo Fu took out the gadgets he got from the technical department and fiddled with them for a while, then nodded to Wen Yao: "It's ok, the monitoring is turned off, just swipe my card to get in, and go up through the elevator behind, we won't be caught I found it."

Wen Yao nodded.

She followed behind Zhuo Fu, while pushing the man in black forward, she kept an eye on the surrounding situation at all times to prevent her whereabouts from being exposed.

Soon, they came to the institute.

After confirming that no one found it, Wen Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Zhuo Fu: "What's next?"

Zhuo Fu pulled out his chair and sat down:

"Next? We can only wait."

Zhuo Fu sent a message to all the staff of the research institute. Notify them, give them a long vacation, and ensure that no one will disturb them during this time.

If it was normal, this trick would definitely not work, and someone would definitely ask, but it was different now.

The attack on the Director of the Administration Bureau has had a huge impact, especially the well-known Chief Mu Hengmu who is the most likely suspect. The entire Administration Bureau has become a mess, and now they have no time to take care of why the research institute has to give employees a holiday. little things.

Wen Yao entrusted the affairs of the Combat Division to her confidant.

The higher-ups acquiesced in this matter.

After all, as Mu Heng's adjutant, she chooses to avoid suspicion under such circumstances, and the administration can be said to be happy to see her success.

Since there is no exact time limit, the wait will become extraordinarily long and tormented.

During this period of time, they have been staying in the research institute, guarding their only clue, while paying close attention to the wind outside.

Although they were unable to contact Mu Heng, they were able to vaguely know the other party's movements.

After all, wherever Mu Heng went, there would always be corpses.

Efficient, decisive, fierce, and cruel are his signature styles

—so, Zhuo Fu and Wen Yao knew where Mu Heng had gone, but they just slowed down a few steps.

The administration did not dare to release any information related to Mu Heng. From the director of the administration to the bloodbathed mercenary camp, everything was secretly suppressed.

They couldn't afford the possibility of news leaking, but rumors gradually spread, and

in just two days, the entire Central District was disturbed.

Finally, when waiting until the third day.

Zhuo Fu was lying on the table, awakened from his drowsy sleep by the harsh siren, raised his head sleepily, and looked at the screen in front of him.

The moment his line of sight touched the monitor screen, all drowsiness was instantly dispelled.

Zhuo Fu suddenly jumped up from his seat, and the clothes on his shoulders fell to the ground. He didn't have time to pick it up, but he strode forward and stumbled towards the screen.

Wen Yao had already stood here, she raised her head, fixedly staring at the screen not far away.

The silver-haired, blue-eyed man walked in from the outside unhurriedly, easily destroying all the external defenses of the Administration Bureau, his slender and tall figure was as sharp as a sharp knife.

Zhuo Fu swallowed, and said in a hoarse voice,

"...he is here."

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