Hi I never really said any details about Najocki.
3 YO Najocki- Weights 22 Lbs, 3'2 in height.
Personality- timid, Has a phobia of loud noises, caring, cheerful, playful, likes studying things.
Hair- Dark reddish-brown
Skin- pale white
Quirk- Shadow Manipulation15 YO Najocki- Weights 121 Lbs, 5'6 in height.
Personality-Cocky, stubborn, still has phobia of loud noises, caring, cheerful, playful like studying things, smart.
Hair-Dark reddish-brown
Eyes- right blue, Left red with black scar around it
Skin- soft, pale white
Scars- Black markings thanks to his quirk
Quirk-Shadow Manipulation Fire wheeling____________________________________________
I'm going to do Deku too17 YO Deku- Weights???, 5'9 in height.
Personality- Timid, Funny, cheerful, determined, helpful, caring, powerful
Hair-Dark Green
Skin-soft white
Scars-all over body from one for all
Quirk- One For All, and Shadow Strike
My Hero Of Green
أدب الهواةA young Boy named Najocki Rose-shawood gets separated from his dad thanks to his quirk, he doesn't feel safe around loud noises thanks to his mother's accident. As he grows up he starts to develop crushes and learns to not let fear take control of y...