The Road to Recovery (WM) pt.2

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Day 3 of taking care of Wanda Maximommy and Natasha go touch dust Romanoff.

Wanda is.. well, she's been sitting at the kitchen table looking at her hands whenever I'm not distracting her or taking her outside for walks so she gets fresh air and sunlight. Unfortunately today it's storming outside so no walk around the cabin to the lake or anything.

Natasha and I have been hanging out all day.. Yes I have been hanging out with a pile of ash/dust, leave me alone. It's still Natasha just like... in dust form. She's probably tired of me and Wanda making her watch I Love Lucy and Wheel of Fortune but oh well what's she gonna do about it? She's dust. Nat is so going to kill me when she gets back.

Usually I ramble to Dustasha about my day or give her little updates about Wanda just to give her a break from sitcoms and gameshows.

Sometimes late at night when Wanda thinks I'm asleep I can hear her talking to Dust Bunny Natasha over there, I try not to listen, it's private, and between them. Even though we know it's just a pile of dust, it's still Natasha, still our Natasha, still our friend. Somewhere in that pile of dust is Natasha, and she would be treating us the same if we were piles of dust in her living room.

Natasha would be sitting on her floor, staring at a pile of dust and talking to it like it was her best friend in the entire world. So we're doing the same.

Wanda hasn't eaten since we got here, no matter how hard I try she just won't eat. So I'm resorting to running into town in the pouring rain.

One 2 hours drive later and a very awkward conversation with a waiter about Wanda's order because apparently everyone in this restaurant has her order memorized and I had to play it off like I was not Captin America's sister and I was definitely not hiding Wanda Maximoff at a remote cabin in the middle of nowhere with Dustasha for company. Totally.

And here I am, soaking wet from protecting the food, shivering cold, and somehow in one piece.

When I left Wanda was once again staring at her hands, coming back I could see through the window Wanda was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed, talking with the dust pile about who knows what.

I knocked on the front door, giving Wanda a headsup I was home. Somehow Wanda and I had fallen into the routine of knocking or making our presence known whenever we were going into the living room while the other was talking with Natasha.

It had just become an unspoken rule to never barge in on a talk with Natasha without notifying the other.

I waited a second before stepping inside, shaking out my hair and dropping my soaked coat to the floor. Wanda looked over at me when I sighed and quickly examined me and the bag of food.

"Where did you go?" She asked. "Out for food." I answered, going into the kitchen to put the food down. "You didn't need to-"

"Wanda you have to eat. Right Natasha?" I said, using a towel to dry myself off, we both looked over to the pile of dust as if any second Natasha would undust herself and answer us. "See? Nat said yes." I assumed. "The pile of dust does not get a say in this." Wanda huffed. "Wow okay. Excuse you Miss Maximoff. She may be a pile of dust but she can still hear you... right Nat?

...And Nat always gets a say in things so. Yes, you are, come on. You need to eat, Nat and I say so, and I drove 2 hours for this food. And also conviced some waiter and the restaurant owner my name is Janice Murphy and my wife is Emma Marie Jeanne Murphy O'Reilly Cooper, and she's very sick and this is the only thing she will eat while staying at my parents house.

So hush because the hoops I jumped through to get you this food were insane and you're going to eat your dinner Emma Marie Jeanne Murphy O'Reilly Cooper." I said, smiling as Wanda giggled at my ridiculous cover story.

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