Lunar Lullaby (WM) pt.2 of 3

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"Mommy's home Malyshka. And she's never leaving again." Wanda husked out, her accent completely taking over her normal voice.

What in the hell. Oh dear god please don't tell me she killed Nick or something-

"I didn't even touch Fury. Not yet. I wanted to see you first. Can I get a hello at least?" Wanda chuckled, raising an eyebrow at me.

I snapped out of my stupefied haze, scrambling to my feet and stumbling over to her, throwing myself into her and hugging her. "Oh! Hm hey there detka. Did you miss me honey?" Wanda huffed, holding onto me tightly and leaning her weight on me.

Oh right she's hurt. Duh fucking idiot what are you trying to do make her fall...In love.

"I really have left you here alone too long, words, out loud, silly girl." Wanda reminded me.

Right right sorry. Shit wait sorry.

"Sorry. I just.. uh. What happened?" I asked quietly, clinging onto her and pulling her closer so she could comfortable rest on me.

She's a bit bigger than me and if I wasn't training with Nat then I probably wouldn't be able to support her weight.

"I might. Might. Have gone a LITTLE overboard. I just needed to get home to you as quick as I could." Wanda explained, using me as a crutch as she hobbled inside, the door quietly shutting behind her and Wanda practically collapsing on top of me. I quickly caught her, picking her up ans carefully carrying her up the stairs and to our bedroom.

"What have you been up to while I was gone?" Wanda asked, probably to keep her mind going so she didn't accidentally pass out or something. "Nothing much, sometimes Nat and I would train, Scott and Kate were practically here every day bothering me." I said, gently setting her down on the bed I tugged on her shirt waiting for her arms to move up before I carefully pulled her shirt off her and tossed it to the floor.

Her chest, ribs, and torso covered in bruises and cuts, not to mention the knife sticking out of her side. Jesus christ how long has that thing been in her.

"9 hours. It was a long day. I can clean myself up-"

"No you cannot. If you haven't noticed Captin Oblivious, you have a knife in your side. Like this thing is in your body to the fucking handle... how big is this knife?" I said, lightly hitting Wanda's arm and pushing her to move her body a bit so I could get a better look at it. "Uh.. 7 inches." Wanda said quietly. What the fuck that thing is as big as a dildo. "It's not that big come on take it out already." Wanda huffed.

"Don't get pushy with me or I'll put another 7 inch object where the sun don't shine." I warned, smirking playfully at her as she blushed and glared at me.

"Is now the time for sex jokes?" She asked. "No it's not but now that you're not focused on the knife.."

I trailed off and before she could realize what I was doing I yanked the knife out of her and used my bedsheets to cover the open wound. Wanda screamed in pain, her body and arms jerking to grab me and dig her nails into my bicep. Wanda sobbed, pain shooting through her body and wrecking havoc inside of her as blood gushed out and soaked my bedsheets.

I moved quickly to take her to the bathroom, holding the sheet against her as I hurried to get bandages and towels. Wanda's cries of pain and whines left my heart aching to hold her but if I let myself get distracted she'll bleed out in the bathroom. I ruined towel after towel soaking up as much blood as I could before quickly washing her wound clean with vodka and wrapping it with the bandages.

I probably should've prepared before doing that. " shit." My girlfriend wheezed, her grip on my forearm tightening as she looked up at me.

"I'm sorry baby. Maybe next time you shouldn't get fucking stabbed and then leave the knife in your body like an idiot. Are you trying to get an infection or something Maximoff?" I scolded her, gently pulling her into my lap as I used some hydrogen peroxide and cotton balls to gently clean her wounds off before I carefully put bandaids over the smaller ones and put scar and infection cream over the larger ones before wrapping them. Once I had finished cleaning up Wanda I fully undressed her, laying her down on the bed while I grabbed one of my t-shirts and some sweatpants for her.

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