Lunar Lullaby (WM) pt.1 of 3

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(Short, more like a prelude or prologue tbh but enjoy.)

Waiting for Wanda to come home is the worst part of my life, sometimes I know for certain she's going to walk through the door, other nights, like tonight, I have no idea if my girlfriend will walk through the door and come home tonight, or tomorrow night, or every night after that.

Nick told me she would just be gone for a week, well we're 6 weeks in on the 1 week mission so I know that was bullshit.

I knew it was bullshit because Nick was speaking to me directly about it, meaning it wasn't just another routine check on Hydra or something.

It couldn't have been that big since no one else but Wanda had gone but still, if you're sending the Scarlet Witch solo on a mission you're basically saying

"She's just going to pick a few flowers but along the way if she runs into a nuclear explosion and an army of 100,000 and she was being hunted down by aliens and also running from the FBI, then she can totally handle all that as well and still pick her flowers no problem."

Nick knows I'm not stupid and he knows Wanda would've told me if she was given the chance.

He basically kidnapped me from my house, and then tricked Wanda into leaving early and telling her he had send me out of town and I'd be back in a day and Nat would fill me in. Total bullshit I was locked in a basement for 9 hours with Tony the egotistical prick and Loki the never silent frost giant.

It was literally hell on earth considering Loki was still fighting for his freedom and Pepper had put Tony in time out for throwing a rager at the lake house and not telling her.

Between Tony crying to be let out in the cell to my left and Loki losing his mind in the cell to my right I was probably the sanest one there.

Thankfully after 9 hours of torture Scott and Bruce found me down here locked up with them and demanded I be let go.

Again, thankfully, Nick relented seeing as how Wamda would've fucking demolished the Avengers Tower brick by brick (literally) and danced on the Avengers grave if she ever found out they had kidnapped me and locked me in a cell that was Wanda magic proof so I couldn't call Wanda physically or mentally for help.

I mean after what happened with Vision and her not real kids and all that Nick has been very very careful with Wanda and what he does around her especially if it involves me. I think this has really been the most death-defying thing he's tried to do since that incident.

I'm not sure how long I've been sitting in front of the door waiting for Wanda to come home like a puppy but all these nights of sitting at the door waiting for her are starting to get to me. Wanda hadn't once reached out to call or try and talk to me so I can only assume it's a non communication kind of mission.

Hours were slowly ticking by until I noticed the sun was starting to rise, another sleepless night without Wanda gone by and I know she would always come back, she'd never just leave me alone, not without a goodbye even if it killed her she would tell me she was not going to be coming back. She wouldn't want me to stay up every night waiting for her.

But I am.

Every single night.

Because I have to keep believing she would come back. I have to keep believing she would never ever just leave without a goodbye.

Days were starting to blur together and I was slowly turning into a wreck. Kate and Scott had been coming by to check in and make sure I wasn't dead every few days. Mostly Scott comes by, probably because he has feelings for me, poor guy. I know he thinks I don't know that he likes me but I do. Wanda doesn't, otherwise she would literally appear out of nowhere and murder Scott for trying to come by almost every day and be the "comforting shoulder" I lean on while she's away. Not that I ever lean on him for anything other than a slice of pizza.

Honestly I'm not sure what gave Scott the idea he had a chance with me.

Between Wanda being the most possessive and protective girlfriend in the multiverse and Kate saying if Wanda and I were to ever break up she would be the one to swoop in I'm not really sure what gave Scott the idea I even like guys.

Then again it was probably Steve that encouraged him because Steve hates me for encouraging Natasha to break up with him but like if he wasn't such a grumpy old man people would probably like him more.

I feel like I'm glued to this spot, hardly moving besides to get food or go to the restroom. Waiting like a puppy is really the only thing I do when I don't have company. It was a little pathetic at first but at this point I don't care I just want Wanda back.

Wanda is going to be pissed at Nick but then again who isn't never endingly mad at Nick Fury. He just has a very punchable face. And the one eye means he almost never sees it coming.

It has to be around 2 am, I've lost track of time but I've discovered the decorative panel on the wall across from me has 237 dots on it with a range of shades from strawberry red to lavender haze. The dots approximately range from half an inch to 2 inches in difference, many many many different circumferences, and if I had a calculator on me I would do the math for all that but I don't so I won't.

The front door is made from spruce and stained glass. The stained glass isn't arranged in a particular shape, more a pattern. Green red blue green red blue white green red blue green red blue white so on and so forth. The stained glass wasn't just randomly pieced together, I suppose in a certain light it's supposed to represent a field of grass, sunrise, and the ocean, the white line being the separation day by day.

Just when we all thought this couldn't get any more boring a distinct sound rang out.

Keys in a lock. The locking mechanism slowly turning, carefully, as if whoever is on the other side doesn't want to wake anyone.

Lucky for whoever it is I'm already awake. No one has keys to my house but Wanda and Kate. What's Kate doing here so late?

The door silently swung open and I gaped when I saw Wanda instead of Kate. For a moment I stayed frozen in place, examining Wanda.

Her clothes were bloody and torn, covered in dirt as well, hair disheveled, a long cut across her arm and a knife sticking out of her side, her eyes were much darker than the normal bright green and her face had specks of blood on it. Wanda's breathing is erratic, chest heaving with each shakey deep breath, like she had just run across the country with 100 pounds on her back. She's sweaty and shaking like any moment she'll fall over. One gust of wind and she'll hit the ground. Her hands were bloody and bruised, knuckles definitely took a beating, her fingers were still glowing bright red, an afterglow of her magic she must've been using it a lot. Her eyes were wild, darting around the interior of my house and the garden she had planted outside before finally her eyes landed on me. The second her eyes were focused on me her face light up like a Christmas tree. Her hands stopped glowing, her eyes suddenly almost glowed bright green, that stupid little grin and nose scrunch combo sent butterflies to my tummy and made my head spin and heartrate go from 0 to 1000 in one millisecond. The longer she looked at me the more her happy glow slowly fell, her exhaustion and bloodless setting in and overruling her excitement to see me.

Jesus fuck what the hell happened.

"Mommy's home Malyshka. And she's never leaving again."

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