Secrets and Nightmares

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'Sip' "Ah~" I beamed as I drank my cold juice from my cup, the tang and sweet burst of fruit coated my taste buds and cooled my body from the summer heat. Sitting next to my dad in a lounge chair he had laying around as the gem, Steven, and I came over to see the damage on his van and his ankle after the fight with Lapis. The car wash was empty on this sunny afternoon.

He had sprained his ankle pretty bad- to the point where he had to align it with two rulers and duct tape. The damage to his bone would heal but the damage on his van was another story.

"Wow, the water really did a number on Greg's van." Pearl said as she looked into the hood of the car.

"Give it a rest, Pearl. That thing will be busted forever." Amethyst said from the floor.

"I completely disagree. It's just a simple human machine- I bet I can figure this out before you know it." Pearl said with a smile- she was always up for a challenge.

"Hey guys!" Steven called. I stood up from my chair as Steven walked to Pearl and Dad rolled his way over on an office chair.

"I got something that'll fix this van up!" Dad said as he dug around a small box on his lap.

"Oh! Is it some complex human tool?" Pearl asked, eager to learn how to work a new tool. But her face fell when dad had pulled it out.

"Nope! It's duct tape." I chimed in, resting my arm on the back of dad's chair.

"Some well-placed duct tape can patch anything up in a pinch." Dad gestured to his makeshift cast, Pearl crossed her arms and shook her head.

"I'm sure I can fix this without your tape." Pearl said.

"Well, gee- let me at least give you a hand." Dad said as he tried to push himself out of his seat. Before he could get far, I reached over and pulled him back to his seat.

"Be careful." I said, giving him a light glare. Steven nodded in agreement.

"Sorry you hurt your leg and your van got all smashed up because of us." Steven apologized. I patted his shoulder.

"You apologized too much." Dad waved Steven off. "Maybe I shouldn't have tagged along on that crazy adventure- but at least I got to spend some time with my fave kids." Dad smiled at us.

"Hey, what if you stayed with us until you got better?" Steven suggested. I hummed and chuckled at Pearl's expression- not liking the idea.

"But won't I get in the way of training?" Dad asked, looking at me and Steven. I shook my head but Pearl disagreed- saying it would get in the way.

"Wait, don't you have healing powers now?" Amethyst reminded him.

"Oh yeah- take a crack at it." I said. Dad nodded.

"Here goes something new and exciting." Steven said as he licked his hand and slapped it on dad's leg.

"Alright dad, take a step." I said, he nodded but just as he did he fell back down wincing in pain. "Maybe you need some more practice."

"But I was doing so well." Steven pouted.

"Steven, don't worry about it. Your powers are a bit fickle, after all." Garnet said, trying to reassure him. He nodded but sadness and worry filled his eyes.

"Cheer up, at least we get to spend more time together, right?" Dad smiled at Steven and I.

"Yeah, right." Steven smiled. I nod.

"Garnet, can you give me a hand?" Pearl asked, she nodded and lifted up the van- only for the engine to fall out and land on the ground.

The next few days were filled with moments of laughter and a bit of annonce from me, but that was only when Steven and dad were being gross. Steven and I making breakfast and us having jam sessions like when we were younger.

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