Team bosses? 🤍

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Christian: okay y'all I've mad this chat to talk about out drivers

Zak: my drivers are perfectly fine

Fred: I think he means like gossip

Zak: oh okay

Toto: my drivers are so drama full

Gunther: we'll my drivers are fuck

James: not surprising

Gunther: what does that mean!?

Alessandro: you all need to calm down

Otmar: y'all so like is it just mine but are all the drivers like in a relationship?

Christian: that's exactly why where here

Christian: wait give me a minute

Christian added Max

Toto: like max Verstappen

Max: you got a problem old man

Toto: old man ?!

Andrea: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Mike: what add him

Franz: the audited

Christian: right? Anyway max which drivers with who ?

Max: why should I answer you ?

Fred: will give you ice-cream

Max: deal!!!!

Otmar: this is going to be good

Max: so I'll give you what I know and what I've been told

Max: Lando and Carlos

Andrea: excepted

Max: Pierre and yuki

Franz: knew that

Max: Kimi and Seb

Christian: WOW WOW WOW !! Seb's gay

Max: I know right didn't expect that either

Max: me and Charles

Zak: wait what I thought y'all hated each other

Max: well we did but anyway

Max: George and Alex

Toto: James tell your driver to stop sneaking into our hospitality

James: I can't control him!

Mike: is that all max

Max: wait there's one more Lewis and Nico but I'm the only one that knows, well was the only one

Max: don't say anything and you didn't hear it from me

Max: now where's my ice-cream

Christian: on its way okay

Gunther: Damn never expected Max to be the gossip one

Christian: tell me about it

Toto: mate no comment on the last one

As promised

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