The Plan 🤍

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Group chat

Max: okay so this is the plan

Max: Lando and Carlos you guys are going to hide in my car when I drive to my dads house, okay 👍

Max: and then I'm going to go with my dad to lunch and I'll give you guys my spear keys for the house

Max: and then you two are going to go into the house and looking everywhere through everything

Max: but I think the main places would either be the garage, basement, attic or my Dads study

Max: okay? And when you fine anything you take pictures of anything that will be useful

Max: then you guys will hide back in my car and then when I get back I'll leave straight away okay?

Carlos: yeah we got everything

Lando: good plan Max

Alex: you sure it will work ?

Max: yes

Seb: I think the best thing is that Lando and Carlos go in their on car so it would be easier to leave and will be less suspicious

Max: oh never though of it but yes Seb that's better

Max: so you guys will be doing that

Carlos: okay 👍 so this will happen tomorrow?

Max: yes

Alex: we'll we should all pray for Charles and for this plan to work

Oscar: dang man this is mad, is this mad Jos is such a bad guy

Daniel: you have know idea

Pierre: yeah he threatened Charles as a kid when he was winning in Karting

Yuki: yeah and don't forget about Italy

Logan: what happened at Italy

George: Jos left Max at a petrol station in Italy because he didn't win

Nyck: that guy is so crazy

Arthur: yeah mate he's now stealing people !

Zhou: to think he was a formula 1 driver

Lance: and friends with Micheal Schumacher

Kimi: I'm going to kill him when I see he's ugly bitch face bwoah

Max: same and he's the person who raised me!

Arthur: so we are definitely calling the cops?

Max: Hell YEAH !

Seb: I'm suing him in till he's rotting in jail

Fernando: let's get the kid back


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