has one of my kids🤍

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Seb: have you guys found anything

Lando: yeah we went to Charles gallery on he's phone and we saw this one video

Max: I'm done

Kimi: we need more info

Carlos: okay max can I tell them the video

Lando: it wasn't nice

Max: yeah

Carlos: so when we went into the gallery we say this most recent video that was made just a few hours ago

Carlos: and then we pressed play on the video

Carlos: the first thing we saw was Charles in a dark place we guessed was a alley and then we heard he was out of breath, which was strange because he's very fit so it meant he was running very fast for a long period of time

Carlos: and then he spoke and he said please if anyone sees this I'm being- and before he could finish with what he was saying we heard another voice

Max: I hate him

Carlos: anyway the voice said I'm done with you distracting my son with these love antics and now it's time to get rid of you

Seb: oh my.....

Lando: then there was the second video

Geroge: let me guess it Jos again !

Mick: that man is really bad

Lance from what I've heard

Fernando: anyway thw SECOND video !

Lando: oh right so the video was just darkness with Jos saying you'll never see this ______ again, I'm not going to say the word it's to disgusting

Zhou: man

Oscar: so how are we going to solve this

Max: well I'm going to call him and arrange to meet up somewhere

Lando: yeah while we (Carlos and I) sneak into he's house to look for clues

Seb: I swear when I see that guys face I'm going to fucking kill that no brain donkey goat bald baster jerk

Kimi: he's learning

Lewsi: Seb ! Language

Lance: I don't think that's good to say in this situation

Seb: Lewis ! That dick of a guy has one of my kids I will not sit here and do nothing

Fernando: you tell him !

Alex: I'm a little scared

George: same

Kevin: I like this new side

Nico R: Lewis just shut up and go

Lewis: Rosberg !

Nico H: I've got no words

Max: so Seb pack yours and Kimi's stuff me, Lando and Carlos are on our way to Finland

Kimi: see you soon.

Seb: I can't wait fuck that guy up and then make him rot in one of those torture cells

Logan: Damn

Esteban: im quite shocked

Bottas: welcome to the gang

Zhou: well this is really bad isn't it

Daniel: wtf I just read this all now and Jos toke Charles, that dick

Daniel: and Seb is swearing and Seb want to make him rot where's mother Seb ?!

Nyck: same I'm so confused

Pierre: you guys are so late right now

Yuki: you can't tall pear

Arthur: Omg guys do you know where Charles is ?!!


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