Chapter 7

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A few weeks had passed. Phoenix and Miko got an A on their art project. Phoenix was happy summer was just around the corner. That meant no more school. No more dealing with so many humans. And she wouldn't have to see the autobots so much either.

Currently sitting outside, she sat on the grass. Staring at the sky. Feeling the gentle breeze. She sighed as she enjoyed such peaceful moments.

A sudden honking however, broke that peacefulness, she groaned a she saw Vince. He got out of his car with his friends. Each one laughing. She frowned as she tried to shrink.

"Hey loser why ya out here alone?" Vince asked.

"Why would anyone wanna be friends with a dumb freak like her?" Another said.

"Leave me alone" Phoenix frowned.

"You don't get to tell us what to do! We tell you what to do! You may have the looks, and an attitude. But your still a loser" Vince said.

"Wow Vince you sounded so smart with that sentence....I think you meant I'll still be a loser even though I look pretty" she said.

"Shut up! Get her boys" Vince said as his friends circled her.

Arcee watched as the three boys started to hit and kick the girl. She didn't know if she should help or not, but got surprised when Phoenix fought back and beat all three boys. Each laid in pain on the ground.

"YOULL DO WELL TO REMEMBER NOT TO TAKE ME LIGHTLY! I'm no pushover" Phoenix said as she stomped into the school.

Phoenix saw kids staring at her bruises and cuts. Tears were at the corners of her eyes. She saw Miko, and Miko saw her. She saw all the injuries Phoenix had. And the tears threatening to fall.

"Phoenix!" Miko called as she started to walk towards her, the boys following Miko.

"Aahh!" Phoenix grabbed Miko into a hug and cried.

"Phoenix what happened?!" Miko asked, worried about the girl.

"Someone hurt her, Miko we have to get her out of here" Jack said as he motioned for them to walk.

Raf took phoenixs phone and dialed up Kncokout. Of course the mech was furious, that Raf had his daughters phone, and was calling him. But after Raf explained why he had it. Knockout hung up.

Raf figured he was on his down to come get his daughter. He saw the three outside by arcee. And saw Vince and his friends who were still on the grass.

"I think Knockout is coming" Raf said quietly.

"Phoenix!" Knockout called showing up very quickly.

"MOM!" Phoenix cried as she ran up to her mother and hugged him.

"What in the world happened to you?!" Knockout asked clearly very angry.

"Uhm, K-Knockout...I think it was t-them" Raf pointed to the three boys.

"You, I told you to leave my daughter alone! I warned you!" Knockout hissed as he glared at the three.

"I wanna go home!" Phoenix whimpered.

"And home we shall go, your finishing school at home! You can come back to graduate. But your staying home with me to finish the year" Knockout said.

"What? Wait won't you reconsider?" Miko asked following the two.

"No! And as for you three, I'll be getting ahold of the authorities" Knockout said as he drove away.

"Knockout calling the police? Instead of dealing with them himself?" Miko blinked.

"Never thought he'd have human help" Jack said.

"He could also just be saying it to scare the boys" Arcee said softly.

"Maybe" Jack said but still hoped for the best.

(Time skip to weekend)

Phoenix was laying on the thrones arm rest. Bored, she has completed all her work she had gotten from the school. Still happy that Vince and his friends were being held by the police in juvenile detention while charges went through.

The parents of the three weren't happy in the least. Knockout was just furious, and the whole ship knew it. They ran away if the fuming medic was walking down the same hall. One made the mistake of talking to him and was offlined while he was in a blind rage.

Phoenix looked at the doors and watched Starscream enter, going up to Soundwave. Of course they had all kept a new form of home among the humans. Though they rarely used it. They had found an old abandoned factory. They cloaked the ship and was parked behind the building. Everyone was inside still fixing it up to look like what a human home would look like.

Even making more space by building extra walls and rooms. They were on the outskirts of town. The opposite of the autobots. Phoenix smiled at their new home. They could come here and relax to escape the war. And that's what everyone was using the place for. Soundwave hacked the systems of the town and no one was none the wiser just thinking they over looked the papers.

Phoenix watched the two walk away. They were likely in charge of dealing with the humans, for keeping the property. Megatron picked Phoenix up and carried her down the halls.

"Knockout" Megatron called.

"Yes my lord?" Knockout asked peeking out of the med bay.

"Your child, I must attend to a mine the Vehicons found" Megatron said.

"Of course my liege. Thank you" Knockout bowed.

Megatron huffed and left. Breakdown was still inside the room. Wondering what Megatron had to do at a mine. Knockout returned with their daughter, placing her on a table.

"What are you both doing?" She asked.

"Nothing special. Just organizing again" Knockout said.

"Boring" Phoenix said.

"Your not wrong little one" breakdown laughed.

"Let's go for a drive! Please" Phoenix begged.

"Hehe later sweetspark, don't give me that look. I promise we will go driving before recharge" Knockout winked.

"Yay" Phoenix cheered, jumping for joy knowing what he meant.

"Why do you keep taking her to those things? You both could get hurt" breakdown said.

"Relax, haven't had anything happen yet" Knockout said, looking back at his happy child.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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