Chapter 5

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Phoenix was happy her parents no longer fought, she tried to stay home as much as possible in case the autobots still wanted her. She was the youngest Cybertronian alive, and basically half organic.

She knew from her lessons that a techno organic was a very rare case on Cybertron. And she knew her parents wanted to keep her as safe as they could. She remembered when they told her why she was so different.

"Hey carrier" she spoke out.

"Yes?" Knockout said looking over to his little speck of joy.

"Think it could be possible to ever get a normal body? Like yours or similar?" Phoenix asked.

".....Shockwave said it wasn't..but maybe someday if Unicron would leave your beautiful spark alone" Knockout said.

"Unicron really tried to kill me?" She asked.

".....yes..sadly, he figured that the monster would have trouble doing much to you if you were half organic" Knockout sighed walking up to his child.

"So the only reason I'm not dead is because he can't really kill me like this?" Phoenix said almost a little happy she could beat the monster.

"In a way yes, your spark is still a bit weak, and you'll always be sensitive with a lot of things...but as long as we keep Primus in our thoughts you'll be protected by him to" Knockout smiled.

"Thanks carrier" Phoenix smiled as she went back to drawing.

"Your welcome...was that all love?" Knockout asked.

"For now" Phoenix winked at him.

"Heheh your a mystery sometimes young femme, you know that?" Knockout smirked as he went back to the terminal.

"I know heheh that's what makes me so...special" Phoenix laughed.

Breakdown walked in with a couple Vehicons behind him, he motioned them to sit on the berths. Knockout sighed as he collected his tools. Phoenix was watching her sire patiently waiting for the drone to be finished.

"Sire do you want me to try and help you?" Phoenix asked.

"Oh no it's ok, I'll wait for Knockout. I'd hate to dirty your servos with my energon, your still to young to be tied down with such responsibilities" Breakdown smiled.

"I don't mind....besides I already have a part time job, what's one more?" Phoenix asked.

"Cause I don't want to see you get stuck in here like us" Breakdown said flatly.

".....fine...but I will start helping out sooner or later sire" Phoenix said.

Knockout chuckled as he listened to his little femme telling her sire. He loved how devoted she was, how kind her spark was and that Megatron didn't care if she was so kind.

Breakdown lost his balance and toppled over, scaring Knockout enough he jabbed a scalpel into some lines in the one vehicon.

"BREAKDOWN! You just made me injure him better hope he don't die!" Knockout said now working twice as hard.

"Sorry, lost my footing" Breakdown said.

"Heheheh I should call Soundwave" Phoenix teased.

"Pits no! Thank you but no thank you" Breakdown shuddered.

Phoenix laughed harder and went back to drawing. Listening to her carrier grumble. Heavy steps in the hall told her their master was out walking and could come into the med bay if he so pleased.

In the hall Megatron and Starscream were walking the halls talking, until the warlord stopped in front of the Med bay doors.

"Knockout!" He barked.

"Gah! No! Sigh.....well this one is done, oh lord Megatron, how can I help you?" Knockout asked as he faced his master.

"Where is Breakdown?" He asked looked around.

"Down here my lord" the wrecker said.

"Your on the floor why?" Megatron asked.

"Lost his balance and fell, to lazy to get up" Phoenix said.

"Hey hey hey! It's not I'm lazy to get up, I can't get up, I tore some wires in my left leg....did you need something my lord?" Breakdown asked.

"Never mind, you won't be of any help when injured, I'll call Dreadwing instead." Megatron said as he turned and left.

"Sounded like a mission" Phoenix said.

"Or another energon mine...oh hey sweet spark" breakdown smiled shyly as he looked up at his angry mate.

"How many times are you going to get hurt like this?" Knockout said picking him up.

"Uh.....uhm...I'm sorry" Breakdown said hopping on the berth.

"Sigh....just be more careful will you?" Knockout said as he started to repair his mates injured leg.

Phoenix watched her carrier fix her sire up again. She put her stuff back in her bag and sat facing her parents. Knockout glanced up to his tiny daughter and gave her a smile.

"He'll be fine love, though if he keeps getting hurt like this he can fix himself" Knockout said with a wink.

"Hey now that's not fair" Breakdown pouted.

"Heheheheh you guys are funny" Phoenix smiled as she made her way to a fridge in the med bay.

(Time skip)

Phoenix was walking the halls, hours late into the night, she made sure she didn't wake her parents as she left their room.

She wanted to help her carrier in the med bay but she didn't know if he'd let her help. Though there was no harm in asking right. Lost in thought she didn't hear pedes coming down the hall in her direction.

"Phoenix?" A voice said scaring her.

"Starscream?! What the pits mech...stop sneaking up on people!" She whisper yelled.

"I didn't sneak, I walked just didn't hear me. Why are you out in the halls this late at night?" The seeker asked.

".....couldn't sleep, why? What are you doing out here?" She asked.

"Patrol, I patrol around the halls now and then. Usually the drones do the patrol but the one that was on shift for tonight is I was told to do it" Starscream said.

"Cool.....I'm going back to berth now" Phoenix said quickly taking her leave.

Starscream watched her rush down the hall, he shook his helm and kept walking. Phoenix made it back to her quarters and snuck inside not seeing a pair of red optics watching her.

"Your up awfully late" Knockout spoke.

"Gah!.....oh hi carrier, I uh heheheh I couldn't sleep so I uh went for a small walk" Phoenix said.

".......Well points for being stealthy little one...but next time alert one of us" Knockout said reaching over and picking her up.

Laying on his back again Phoenix crawled over to his neck cables and snuggled up going back to sleep. Knockout sighed as he closed his optics again, Breakdown groaned and rolled to face Knockout and wrapped an arm around his mate.

"What is it with you both always having to be so close to me at night?" Knockout asked half teasing.

"You warm" Phoenix mumbled.

"That all?" Knockout chuckled.

"I'm sure he can come up with more reasons" Phoenix said finally passing out.

Knockout smiled and joined his family back for recharge. Breakdown curled up still hugging his mate, and rested his helm on knockouts middle.

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