Scence 3

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Millie was sword training with a dummy,Spin slashing its head off.she spun the blade around her hand  before tossing it into the air and caught it in her right hand.the hand she used to slash the dummy's head off. "Not bad,for a royal guard." Jet said snarkily as he jumped down from the tree. Tangle swung herself off of the tree and landed on her feet. As she turned to jet in pure shock "'not bad'!? That was amazing!" Tangle said amazed.stars in her eyes as Millie blushed from embarrassment from being complimented out of the blue like that. Using her purple rose to hide her embarrassed face. "T-thank you." Millie said shyly as Tangle smiled at her. Giving her a thumbs up "no problem girl!" She said cheerfully with a bright smile

Zor watched Millie from the shadows.having a love sick look on his face with little Purple Hearts in his yellow sacral
(A/n kinda like this

having a love sick look on his face with little Purple Hearts in his yellow sacral (A/n kinda like this

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Found it on google)
Zor then caught Millie's Royal purple royal guard jacket and nuzzled it. "She will be my angel of darkness..I long for her cold embrace." he said to himself in a love sick voice as he smiled wickedly before leaping away into the darkness to rejoin his squad and the other villians.

......meanwhile again......
Zelda was with Zazz.pointing at the stars.smiling as she leaned her head onto his shoulder. He smiled and gently wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. His tail wrapping around her waist.

......meanwhile again......
"Of all the hero's in here.." Mimic opend a eye as he looked over lovingly at the green spider monkey right beside him. "It's for him (Clair Voyance) / Her (mimic) That I fell." The two said in sync as they looked at each other. Mimic playing one last gituar string before caressing Claire's cheek "Oh, Claire~" He finished singing as he kissed her cheek as she madly blushed And fell onto her back. Mimic chuckling a bit "Claire~!" He said teasingly

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