Origin 3/Cat Vs Wolf

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Vale At Night

Mark and Weiss were sitting on a bench and enjoying looking into the night sky. They had a good time on their date. Weiss was resting her head on Mark's shoulder. Mark wrapping an arm around her.

Weiss: It's beautiful out here. The night sky, the stars.

Mark: Yeah, but they're not as beautiful as you.

Weiss: Aww, you always know what to say. Mark, can I ask you something?

Mark: Sure

Weiss: What really driven you to become a Huntsman? What's your origin? Someone with your IQ and intellect could've been one of the best scientist in Atlas.

Mark: My origin. Okay, let's just say I was always smart, but I wasn't always bold and daring. When I was a little boy......

Flashback, In Mantle

As a little boy, Mark was walking with his two older sister. He wore glasses, his hairstyle was a thin hair pony style.

Mark: I don't know or how, but I was always so smart. It's like I was born that way. Remnant's technology, biography, study of Grimm, and any other form of studies and education. When I first enrolled in primary school, I was always the smartest kid in class. But all the kids used to taunt me with this lame song. It wasn't even clever.

Other kids: (singing) Four eyes! Four eyes! You need glasses to see!

Mark: But for some reason that didn't really bother me.

Flashback, Couple Years Later

Mark was 8 years old, he was walking by himself. He was reading a book on dust combination. Until, the people around him were screaming in terror and running for their lives. He turned around and saw a group of Beowolves attacking innocent civilians. Mark did what everybody was doing and ran, then he climbed through a broken window of a building. A beowolf nearly sniffed Mark out, until his father Ace Indigo killed the beowolf with a hard light construct of a spear. Ace summons a hard light construct of a sword and kills the other beowolves. Mark was shocked and surprised at the same time to see his father in action for the first time. Then when he killed all the beowolves, his dad was being cheered on by the people of Mantle. Ace walks towards his son and looks at him with a small smile. Mark looks at his father with widen eyes and suddenly he felt he had a spark of inspiration in him.

2 days later

Mark was laying in his bed, unsure what to do. Then, Mark's older sister Luna came in and sat down on his bed beside him. She notice that her little brother was depressed.

Luna: What's wrong Mark?

Mark: It's nothing, I don't want to talk about it Luna.

Luna: No, no, stop that right now. Don't push me away. I know me and Quinn likes messing around with you and haven't been supportive in. But that is why I'm here to change that, you're still our little brother.

Mark: (chuckles at little brother)

Luna: So I'll ask again, what is wrong?

Mark: I saw dad two days ago, he's a Huntsman and a smart one at that. He has done right over and over and over again. He's making all these decision and when he was smart enough to know which decision to make. I'm smart enough to make the right decisions to... but sometimes the results doesn't really end good. I want to help people like dad, but how can I if the right thing I do... ends up wrong.

Luna: I see where you're coming from. Dad has high IQ, yes. But, he also has a high EQ.

Mark: EQ?

Luna: Emotional Intelligence Quotient, your having trouble understanding and identifying your emotions. Dad doesn't have trouble making decisions because he doesn't use his head... he uses his heart. IQ tests measure your ability to solve problems, use logic, and grasp or communicate complex ideas. But EQ tests measure your ability to recognize emotion in yourself and others, and to use that awareness to guide your decisions. the heart actually sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. When Dad when makes a decision, his mind process what choice to make, but his heart helps him understand how his decision affect him and others around him. Dad doesn't just listen to his head, he listens to his heart.

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