Rise Of The Turtles

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Sparxx's POV

There I was laying down thinking about how I was just walking home when these people that look like the exact same person grabbed me and turned me into what I am today, that was until I heard someone as I turned to notice a figure in a yellow jersey shirt

There I was laying down thinking about how I was just walking home when these people that look like the exact same person grabbed me and turned me into what I am today, that was until I heard someone as I turned to notice a figure in a yellow jers...

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???: "Hey, you can't keep us here like this. We have our rights" says the figure as she was banging on the window which was irritating me as I then announce myself

Sparxx: "Hey, these robots won't listen nor do they care about our rights. I mean look at me, one minute I'm just a normal human next thing you know. I'm a mutant... A FREAK" I shouted as I bang my hand on the window causing it to spark with electricity

???: "We're very sorry to hear that, My name is Kirby and this is April. Who are you? And do you know where we are" The man wearing a black suit jacket and with orange hair

 Who are you? And do you know where we are" The man wearing a black suit jacket and with orange hair

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Sparxx: "You can call me Sparxx, as for where we are. It's a Kraang prison facility" I explained as they were confused about what I called the mysterious individuals "By the way, that's what they've been calling each other"

April: "Sparxx, do you know any way to escape?" I was asked by the redhead girl as I sadly replied

Sparxx: "No, I've tried absolutely everything " I said as I heard April say something

April: "We can't just sit here. We've gotta do something." She says as I look at her

Kirby: "Like what?" He asks as April gives a smirk, I thought nothing of it until

April: "[MOANING AND GROANING] Oh, my stomach! The pain is unbearable" she says as I played along

Sparxx: "You gotta get a doc, or something to help her" I say as I notice a Kranng droid walking to April's cell as her door opens and Kirby attempts to sneak out as the Kranng turns to him as April tries to knock him out as the droid directs Kirby back to his cell and grabs April and puts her back as well as the door closes

The Electric Mutant-TMNT 2012 (Karai x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now