New Friend, Old Enemy

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Shredder's Lair

We see a man in armor meditating while doing hand signals as a foot soldier tries to slash him only for the man to grab the blade and beat the foot soldier before kicking him at a wall as two other foot soldiers try to attack but fail as they wound up on the ground like their comrade as a door is opened by the figure we saw with Shang earlier as the armored figure kneels before shredder

Bradford: "Master Shredder." He says as Shredder stands facing away from the two figures as Shang was alongside him with a purple python on his neck

(A/N: Y'all probably know who he's meant to be)

Shredder: "I trust that my greatest pupil has been using that time wisely." He says as the figure was still kneeling

Bradford: "I have assembled an army of ninjas. The Foot Clan awaits your orders." He says as Shang smirks while he pets the head of his python who smiles at the affection

Shredder: "Excellent. Because we've discovered an old enemy in New York. Hamato Yoshi." He says as Xever tosses a picture next to the armored figure which shows Hamato and Oroku smiling

Bradford: "Hamato Yoshi? Alive?" He asks as Shredder continues "And he is training ninjas of his own. Finally, I will finish what I started all those years ago. I want them all wiped out." He commands as the armored figure obliged

Bradford: "I will not fail you masters." He says as Shang turns to him and walks towards the two figures

Shang: "I know you won't my friend. But to be certain, you will work alongside me, and Xever." He says as Xever was doing tricks with his butterfly knife as he smirks

Bradford: "I don't need any help. Especially from this street rat." He says as Xever's smirk never fell from his face

Xever: "Are you sure, rich boy?" He says as Bradford gets right up in Xever's face "Anytime you want to test me--" he says only to get interrupted by Shredder

Shredder: "I am not interested in your petty rivalry! Xever is familiar with the dark underbelly of this city. You will work together." He says as Bradford relents "Don't worry, Master Shredder. We will find Splinter and his disciples and destroy them." He says as Xever snickers as Bradford walks off kicking a foot soldier back to the floor

New York City rooftops

We see the turtles and Sparxx as they flip along the rooftops chuckling as Donnie runs more

Donnie: "Check it out" he says as he does a frontflip and slides on the next rooftop with doing the same as Sparxx then does a backflip before landing on the rooftop with the two as Leo and Raph stop and look down

Mikey: "Top that, turtle chumps!" He taunts as Leo backs up "All right, guys. Check this out." He says as he then sprints as he cartwheels before doing a frontflip landing on the edge of the roof as he springs up cartwheeling in the air and landing

Raph: "Cute, kiddies." He says as he cracks his neck twice and launches at the four as Sparxx smartly backs up while the other three scream as Raph lands on the three as he laughs

Donnie: "Hey, what was that? You didn't do any flips." He says as unbeknownst to them Foot soldiers were watching them

Raph: "Oops." He says as they hear a creaking as they go to the doorway leading up to the roof as they went to see what the noise was as they pull out their weapons with Sparxx charging his electricity in his hands as it dances between his fingers before they charge revealing a cat as it meows at them which leads to Raph smirking before walking up to Leo

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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