Part 7: Falling Bad

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After weeks of recovering Y/n was finally able to go back to her normal
routine, she is the happiest she could have been stranded in the middle of Mexico with her team. After begging Price to sign her return to action form she practically bounded towards the barracks gym to see Soap and Gaz sparring. "Guess who's back!!" She shouted energetically waving the piece of paper in her hand in the air.

"Limbo! You're back for good" Gaz asked.

"Definitely! Ready to get your ass handed to you?" She smirked.

"Yeah just make sure you don't get injured this time" Soap joked. A strong pang went through her chest.

"Whatta mean?" Y/n asked looking to him.

"We've got another mission soon" Soap said. "Price not tell you?"

"No he didn't" she said confused. She turned on her heal heading straight back to the captains office.


"PRICE" Y/n shouted as she burst back through the door. "You never told me we have another mission soon"

"Yeah, Alejandro and Rudy are in there way back they need help on taking down the rest of the cartel. Some high profile party is going on and a deal is being made. We need to get info off the house computer" Price said.

"A party And why wasn't I told" she asked.

"Because you're not going" Price said firmly.

"And why not?" She asked stubbornly hands on her hips.

"Because the deal that is being made is with a major trafficking ring of sex workers, I can't put you at risk of being taken again" he sighed.

"You're letting your personal feelings effect your work again price." She said placing her hands on the table in-fount of her. "I'll be fine I promise"

"Well.... Okay, but you are lookout, you go nowhere near that place price said.

"Actually we need her on the inside" Ghost stood up from leaning on the wall in the corner. Has he been there the whole time? Jesus he really is a ghost....

"Why?" Price asked. "Nothings been said to me"

"Alejandro asked if she and him can go to the party as a couple to see the deal go down" Ghost said.

"Ah I see the Colonel did say something about undercover work" price sighed. "But I didn't think he meant her you know Alejandro has a thing for her" Ghost had a strange feeling about Y/n and Alejandro pretending to be a couple he didn't like it one bit. If anyone would be by her side in a nice suit and her in a dress it should be him. "Ghost how do you feel about doing this with her instead of Alejandro"

"If that's what you think is best captain but there's one flaw" he said.

"problem?" Price asked.

"The mask" Y/n said. 

"You can wear a medical mask" Price questioned.

"I don't know sir let's discuss this with Alejandro when he gets here" Ghost said walking up to Y/n.

"Yeah I think that's best" Y/n said agreeing with ghost. "It is his mission"


"So that's all we know so far." Alejandro said leaning over the briefing table. "Anyone have any thoughts?"

"By trafficking ring you mean an auction, like as in selling people?" Gaz asked uncrossing his arms.

"Yes the deals that will be made are going to be people" Alejandro said back.

Limbo // Simon "Ghost" Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now