Bonnie and Clyde

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"Ok class that it" I smiled as the small children ran to me.

"We love you Ms. Cat." they screamed

"And I love you too girls...and boy." I smiled

I watched as the little kids in my evening dance class left my studio. I walked over to the corner where my stuff was and stat down. I began to take off my point shoes, when I heard something, clapping. I looked up to see someone standing in the door way. It was a guy. He was lightly tan, his white t shirt tightly hugged his body under his leather jacket.

"You're a pretty amazing dancer" He said from the other side of the room

"Thank you Mr....." I tailed over waiting for him to give me his name.

"Zayn." He said walking to me.

He was unbelievably handsome.

"Hi." I blushed


"Why are you here, may I ask."

"well I've seen you around and I thought I should ask you out."

I was surprised at his bluntness. 

"Can I take you out for a drink?"

I nodded. I was surprised, I mean he is hot.

"Let me just change. I'll meet you down stairs." I smiled at him


"So tell me about yourself." he said sipping on his beer.

"Well what do you what to know?"

"Where are you from?"

"Jamaica. But my mom sent me to life up here with my aunt. She said it'll give me a better life, I haven't seen them since. Some day I want to go back but I haven't got the money right now. You?"


"I knew I heard a little British in your voice. What brought you up here in New York."

He sighed and looked down.

"I came....I came to get away from drama. Stuff that a pretty girl like you should get into."

I gave him a confused look.

"Could I tell you a secret?"

I nodded. He leaned in and grabbed my hands.

"See those guys over there." He said pointing to the bar.

I looked to see where he was pointing.


"They don't like me."

I gave him a confused look again

"See those guy over here." he pointed to the far corner of the bar.


"Those guys don't like me either."   

"Sooo you brought me to a bar filled with people that don't like you."

"No I brought you here for a reason. I need your help."

I leaned back.

"With what?"

"Well the drama in London followed me up here, so help me help you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well I need some money to get out of New York, you need some money to get to Jamaica. So I was thinking, you look like a trustworthy girl, why not."

"M-Make money how?"

My heart was racing, I looked around. I noticed the guys Zayn was previously pointing at were starting to notice Zayn's presence.

"Ms. Cat do you like action movies?"

"Um Y-yeah."

"Good cause our life is about the become one." he said with a smile 

Bonnie and ClydeWhere stories live. Discover now