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Everyone in their little group falls silent.

Even though Xin Hulei is only a couple of years older than them, he's been in the entertainment industry for ten years, and is an experienced veteran. The aura of authority and maturity around him makes their little party game seem like something highschoolers would amuse themselves with.

One day, Xin Hulei is going to walk in on him and Yao Shen won't be mortified to be found out neck deep in some humiliating situation, but today is not that day.

"Uh..." he starts, exchanging a panicked look with Ye Feng, hoping for some moral support.

"Now that Xin laoshi is here let's play something else," Ye Feng suggests, her inviting smile never faltering. "Xin laoshi will probably find this game very boring."

She's a darling. Yao Shen cups his hands together behind Xin Hulei's back in obeisance towards her.

Gao Wu nods along, "Yes, let's uh-", he starts, but Xin Hulei ignores them all and pulls one of the plastic chairs closer to the little corner of the wall they have claimed for themselves.

He sits down, crossing his ankle above his knee in a carefree sprawl. "Please, don't stop on my account, besides, I think this game is plenty fun," he says. His expression doesn't change but there's a flicker of amusement in his cold eyes.

Yao Shen smiles at him, but it's a fake smile that doesn't even reach his eyes. "I don't remember the question," he lies.

"How long ago did you lose your virginity?" Xin Hulei says, deadpan.

There's a pause where Yao Shen can't hear anything besides the drumming of his own heartbeat, and the rush of blood towards his cheeks.

After a prolonged silence, Xin Hulei adds, "That was the question, if I'm not mistaken."

"Right," Yao Shen says, looking around for the closest available hole to hide himself in.

Xin Hulei's drums his long fingers along the plastic chair's armrest, his gaze never leaving Yao Shen's.

There's something incongruent in seeing someone who looks so expensive and polished sitting on such a cheap plastic chair. Yao Shen half expects the chair to turn into a jade throne by virtue of being in contact with Xin Hulei.

"Since I just joined the game, maybe I should answer the question instead of Yao laoshi," Xin Hulei says, unexpectedly.

Yao Shen can scarcely believe that he's been given an out.

"You can go this round," Yao Shen says, rushing to get the words out before Xin Hulei changes his mind. "I'll go next."

Xin Hulei nods and drops his other leg to the ground, leaning forward in a casual slouch. "My first time... I barely remember it, it was such a long time ago," he says, not at all awkward to reveal such intimate information. "Most of you weren't even alive."

Gao Wu and Ye Feng exchange puzzled looks.

Gao Wu forces out a chuckle and says, "Xin laoshi isn't old, we're from the same generation, there's no need to say stuff like that."

They clearly think he's making a joke, Yao Shen knows better.

Most likely, Xin Hulei has been alive for thousands of years, of course they wouldn't have been born when he lost his virginity.

Yao Shen wasn't really operating under the illusion that Xin Hulei saved himself for millennia only to give it up for Yao Shen in a drunken one-night stand.

He just can't wrap his mind around why Xin Hulei said "most of you", obviously it was all of them.

He shoots furtive glances at both Ye Feng and Gao Wu.


[Congratulations Host, for growing 7% closer to the Demon King. Second reward unlocked: Sleep Upgrade I]

Why would learning vague details about when Xin Hulei lost his virginity help Yao Shen grow closer to him?

[The Demon King is disclosing personal information, this is progress]

Yao Shen has no interest in arguing with the system right now, he's locked in a staring contest with Xin Hulei, trying to break through the blankness of his cold gaze to peer into the secrets behind.

Not even because of the system, and the rewards it will net him -- just because he finds it infuriating how Xin Hulei always manages to say so much and nothing at all.

"Uh, should we keep playing?" Ye Feng asks, looking between Yao Shen and Xin Hulei as if she feels like she's intruding.

Xin Hulei takes the phone from her hands and taps the button that makes colors flash until settling on another question for him.

The colors stop flashing, projecting a bright green glow on Xin Hulei's handsome face. One of his eyebrows quirks up. "Favorite position," he reads, nonchalant.

Gao Wu shakes his head. "Xin laoshi doesn't need to answer that, let's find another category," he says, looking mildly panicked.

Xin Hulei isn't going to make it easy for them. His face is thicker than concrete, he clearly isn't bothered by the intimate nature of the questions, and is enjoying making them all squirm.

The bastard.

"I like several different positions," he says, tone thoughtful as if this answer merits careful consideration. "It depends on my partner, and what position they get the most pleasure from. That's naturally also the one I'll like best."

That wasn't so bad, Yao Shen is close to letting out a sigh of relief when Xin Hulei stares straight at him, before saying, "Other than that, doggy style."

Yao Shen heats up so fast he grows feverish.

There's no hiding the blotchy, crimson stains that flare up on Yao Shen's cheeks and neck. Both Gao Wu and Ye Feng are giving him worried looks. He must look like he's about to go into shock.

He avoids Xin Hulei's eyes, staring studiously at his feet, willing the blush to go down.

He's going to drag Xin Hulei to the demonic realm kicking and screaming if it's the last thing he does. It's the least he deserves for the torture he's putting Yao Shen through.

"Last question," Xin Hulei says, the closest to chirpy he's ever sounded. The asshole is enjoying this. "Is there anyone here you wish you could have sex with?" he reads mildly.

Ye Feng coughs, and then clears her throat. "This game is really childish, let's do something else," her tone is jovial but her wide eyes, land on Yao Shen with a panicked look.

Probably because from red he has now turned ghostly pale, his knuckles completely white from how strongly his fingers are digging into the stone wall he's sitting on.

He lifts his head and gives Xin Hulei one long, warning look. His warning is a simple one, a clear, bright, "DON'T!", written all over his pale face

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