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Yao Shen opens the message immediately.

As he watches, 'Heimao' continues typing, apparently unaware that all his messages are being read just as they're delivered. Something that only makes Yao Shen more suspicious.

[Heimao: Hello]

[Heimao: I really like you]

[Heimao: people say you like Xin Hulei, but I hope that's not true]

[Heimao: lots of people already like Xin Hulei so I don't think you should bother]

Yao Shen has to laugh at that. Instead of replying, Yao Shen takes a screenshot and sends it to Xin Hulei.

[Little Menace: what is Heimao doing now? because I think he's texting me right now]

Xin Hulei doesn't reply right away, and in the meantime, Heimao continues typing:

[Heimao: i think you should like me instead, you won't have to fight with anyone else]

[Heimao: are you reading this? I can't tell]

Yao Shen feels a little sorry for him, but he can't answer, just in case he really is a regular fan who happens to have an oddly familiar profile name.

After some time, Xin Hulei finally gets back to him.

[Xin Hulei: I don't know, I'm out with Tan Liansi and our agents]

That sours Yao Shen's mood. He can imagine the kind of stuff Tan Liansi is saying about him. He doesn't know if imagining Xin Hulei defending him makes things better or worse. Especially if what Tan Liansi is accusing him of is true.

She has good reason to be protective of Xin Hulei, and even better reason to suspect Yao Shen.

He doesn't know if she ever saw him back then, but it's safe to assume Xin Hulei told her that Yao Shen resembles the 'guy from the brothel'.

His mobile vibrates again, distracting Yao Shen from his morose thoughts.

[Xin Hulei: why aren't you saying something? are you jealous because 'a lot of people like me'?]

Shaking his head, Yao Shen fires back with a text of his own:

[Little Menace: a lot of people like me too, including your cat, apparently. You should be the jealous one]

[Xin Hulei: I am. I'm furious. Heimao is not going to get his 'kitty cat meow' treats today]

He remembers Xin Hulei's terrible display of jealousy and sends him  a 'doubt' emoji.

It's getting late, and Yao Shen has a busy day ahead of him tomorrow. In more than one realm, maybe.

He texts Xin Hulei goodnight and sends him a selfie of himself in bed, the white bedsheets wrapped around his head.

[Little Menace: let me know what you find on the cameras]

He falls asleep before seeing Xin Hulei's answering selfie, looking into the camera with a small smile curling on the corner of his lips.


Bi Jialu calls him the next morning, bright and early. She doesn't have many news for him. The agency thinks it's for the best if they lay low for at least a week, so there is nothing scheduled for him.

She's surprised by how okay Yao Shen is with the news, and promises to call him again as soon as she has any updates.

Yao Shen checks his mobile and is surprise to find no other message from Xin Hulei besides the selfie, which he saves as Xin Hulei's contact info.

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