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Now I need to make a whole new plan because of what happened last night

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Now I need to make a whole new plan because of what happened last night. All thanks to that son of a bitch, Leonid Varkov.

I have to get to Dominic before him. For years, we've both been after him and the main reason is because Dominic is a traitor to my family. He killed our men, stole money and to top it all off he has been trying to overpower us.

Since day one, Leonid has been sabotaging every mission I have go on to try and capture Dominic for a reason that is unknown to me. Hence why we've always hated him. Since the very day we met. If it weren't for him and his stupid games then Dominic would have been dead by now.

"I managed to get into his hard drive." Farha says, focusing on the computer in front of her. The next morning, we decided to make a plan B in order to get Dominic.

Running a hand through my hair, I take a sip out of my coffee and sit down in the seat next to her. "Anything?"

"He has a flight booked to Morocco in two days." She replies.

"What's his bank transfers looking like?" I ask.

"Recently," She starts off. "He has been receiving about ten grand a week under this name." She points at the screen and I follow her finger to that she's gesturing towards a name with the initials, V.V.

"Run it up." I say, furrowing my eyebrows as I try and rack my brain for any ideas on who V.V could be.

"That's the thing." She sighs. "I've tried but it keeps leading me to a dead end."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, all these transfers are leading to another name." She replies, clicking around on her computer to show me. "Someone called Red."

"Fake name?"

"That's what I'm thinking."

"So, we just need to find out who V.V is." I sigh and drop my forehead down to the marble counter. "For God sakes."

It's problem after problem after problem.

"At least we get a vacation to Morocco." She says, ruffling my hair.

I turn my gaze towards her and give her a pointed look. "Vacation my ass." I grumble.

"It'll be okay." She grins.

I lift my head up and rest my jaw on top of my hand. "Freeze Leonid's accounts. I don't want him fucking me up again."

"I'm sure you wouldn't mind that." She mumbles and I narrow my eyes at her.

I point a finger at her. "Shut up. He's the last person I want there."

"Whatever." She scoffs and starts clicking around on her computer again.

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