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The act of masquerading; a false outward show known as a facade

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The act of masquerading; a false outward show known as a facade. To pretend to be someone else one is not.

Masquerading isn't my thing. It's just a bunch of people dressed up all fancy wearing stupid masks. I mean how would I know if they're hot or not.

"First floor." Farha, my best friend and partner in crime, says through my earpiece.

Jugging my champagne back, I adjust my black mask and make my way up these huge carpeted stairs. Soft music plays in the background and glancing at the middle of the ballroom, I see people gathering together to dance.

I turn my focus back to the mission at hand and walk around a few people, looking for a certain someone. That someone is the whole reason why we're here at this stupid ball in the first place.

"Where?" I whisper through my earpiece, glancing around the first floor.

"Shit, he just went down." She says in frustration and I let out a long sigh because I want this to be over with so I can go home. Home where my bed and booze is. None of this champagne bullshit.

Walking back down the stairs, I see the man I'm looking for across the room at a table with a bunch of other goons in suits.

Dominic Gusev is the bastard I have my eyes on and before I can even reach him, I end up getting caught in the middle of all the dancing.

Suddenly, some stranger wraps an arm around my waist, holds my hand in his and dances to the beat of the music with me. My jaw tenses, feeling his disgusting hands on me and I glare at him but before I can squeeze his fucking throat, he spins me into somebody else's arms. Then I realise, this is a damn mixer dance.

I almost groan out loud when I land in the other guys arms. His fingers lightly brush over of the exposed skin of my lower back and electricity shocks through my body. A chill runs down my spine and I look up into his eyes then pause for a split. His eyes are grey and they're oddly familiar but I wish his mask was off so I can see where I know him from.

My eyes trail down to his attire, which is a neatly ironed black tux. It matches his black mask that his brown hair is sitting on top of. Behind his mask I can see a pair of silver earrings on his ears and I notice the silver chain peaking out of his white dress shirt. Damn.

A smirk settles on his lips and I briefly drop my gaze to his mouth but catch myself. What catches me off guard though is when he leans down to my ear until I feel his breath against my skin.

"Hello, lyubov." He whispers lowly with a soft drawl to his deep voice.

"Motherfucker." I sneer, glaring up at him with fury running through my blood. Why is he always where I am?

"Come on, didn't you miss me?" He tilts his head and pushes me closer to him by my lower back.

"Why the hell would I ever miss you, Leonid?" I whisper yell. "Use that small brain of yours and think of one good reason."

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