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I stayed over at my brother's house for the night because I couldn't be bothered to drive back to my apartment

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I stayed over at my brother's house for the night because I couldn't be bothered to drive back to my apartment. The only downside to staying over here is that his stupid dog, Caesar, always wants to sleep in my bed. I don't know why that little shit likes me so much but he's fucking annoying. I have a love-hate relationship with him because sometimes he can be bearable to be around.

Whenever Dad visits Killian though Caesar always acts hostile towards him. From barking to growling at him. He's just overall unfriendly towards him.

My brother always wanted a German Shepard when we were younger but Dad wouldn't allow it. As soon as he moved out however the first thing he bought was Caesar. He got him when he was just a puppy.

"Can you tell your stupid dog to leave me alone?" I grumble, pushing Caesar's head away from me because he keeps licking my damn face and I can't even focus on the work in front me.

Caesar barks at me as if he knows what I'm saying and I narrow my eyes at him. "Shut up." I tell him.

He barks again. "Annoying ass."

And again. "Little shit."

"For God sakes Lonie," Killian sighs, walking into the living room. "He's not hurting you. Let him be."

"He's pissing me off." I grumble and stare down at Caesar as he lays his head down on my lap.

My brother rolls his eyes and snaps his fingers, gaining Caesar's attention. "Caesar, down boy." He whistles and the dog jumps off the couch, walks over to him and rubs his head against his owner's leg.

"See? He wouldn't hurt a fly." He says, petting Caesar's head.

"He hurts my fucking eardrums with all his barking." I retort, rolling my eyes at him.

Caesar then barks at me and in response I stick my middle finger up at him, keeping my gaze fixated on my laptop screen.

"It's only because he's excited to see you." Killian replies, bending down to Caesar's height and ruffling his fur.

"Whatever." I mutter.


Dad stopped by to tell us we have a ball to attend to and there was no point refusing because I'm tired of arguing with him. So, here we are.

Even Luka, Victoria and her husband came.

"God, whose ball is this?" Killian asks from beside me as his brown eyes scan across the room.

"Kira's." Dad responds from beside him as if we're meant to know who that is.

"What's the point of us being here Dad?" Killian says, rolling his eyes.

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