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Leonid is annoying

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Leonid is annoying.

After I meet him today I'm going back to New York because there has been no word about Dominic. Plus, my brother is coming down from Boston and I barely see him. The next time I'll probably see him isn't until another month and I kinda miss that brat. I'm pretty sure his wife's due date is soon which explains why he's visiting now. He'll most likely be too busy when the baby comes.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? What if it's a trap?" Farha asks from beside me. I have to meet Leonid in about twenty minutes and I'm already dreading it.

"That's why my location will be on." I reply, gathering up all the documents off the table. For the past hour we've been gathering up all the evidence of what Dominic could be doing in Morocco. Yet we still don't know what he was doing at Leonid's fathers warehouse.

"Hey Reyna." Crew clears his throat and I glance up at him.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Can we still not come with you?" He asks, sitting down in the seat opposite me at the dining table.

"No." I scoff. They've been insisting on coming and I don't even know why. It's only gonna take ten minutes anyway and I can defend myself if that bitch tries anything.

"Okay well we promised your Dad to protect you so we kinda have to come." Danny says matter of factly.

"My Dad isn't here so you're off the clock boys." I sigh, getting up from my seat.

"I don't wanna die." Crew says.

"Yeah your Dad scares me." Danny shivers like the thought terrifies him.

I chuckle and shake my head at them. "Nothings going to happen."

"I'm not taking any chances." Crew replies.


"We're coming." Danny says firmly and before I can reply to them they leave the dining room.

"They're so annoying." I groan in frustration.

"They're just following orders." Farha grins, ruffling my hair.


"We'll be here." Crew says from the backseat of the car.

"Mhm." Danny hums from beside him.

Out of all places I don't know why Leonid chose to meet up at some empty parking lot. We're waiting for him to show up and you would think he would
be here on time since he arranged this damn meeting.

"Can I have my gun?" I ask them.

"You won't even need to touch it." Danny replies, cleaning his gun with a cloth.

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