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"Where to begin" Sherbert muttered.

"Let's see, we found the remains of what we think is a portal the leads to the Aether," Rae began, shutting Sherbert up, "Will's light house is completely covered in skulk, Will was sent on an adventure in the Nether by Alerion, we had a winter masquerade and each got to ask Soraza a question to which we got answers to, we got messages from Fable asking to help him out of Fable and we've been linking the Aether portal to Purgatory, Chaos and Blaze are both dead, Jamie and Athena are dating, still haven't found Perix, found out that the wack is due to a being of some kind called Quixis, Easton is blind, turns out Will is the son of Alerion and found out Orchid's real name is Isla Morningstar, also found out that we are siblings, well Sherb is half related due to Fable and Isla being married. At least I think that's everything you missed."

"This is probably a stupid question but what do you mean by ''we are siblings''?" I asked after taking in the chunk of information.

"Well, the three of us all share the mother of Isla Morningstar and while I have Fable as a father, you and Rae share Enderian as a second mother" Sherbert explained.

"But what about the princess of the gods book?" I asked, more to Rae than to Sherbert as I didn't know if the had seen the book yet.

"According to Fable, the book was just a lie to prevent people from questioning where exactly you came from and stuff. Apparently you were also sent back in time to be raised by Alerion " Rae explained.

"Wait so I'm the youngest sibling?" I questioned.

"Yep" Sherbert smiled, ruffling my hair as Rae pulled me into a side hug.

"Oh god" I laughed.

"I'm glad that your younger than me, no offence of course, I just don't know what I would do if I was the youngest out of the three of us" Rae laughed, releasing me from the hug.

"Wait, Sherb's the oldest out of all of us" I asked not expecting to hear what I had heard.

"Yep" Sherbert nodded.

"Damn, well that's unexpected" I said.

"I thought the same when I first found out" Rae laughed.

The three of us continued to talk for a good couple of minutes - maybe even a couple of hours - until there was a knock on the door.

"You can come in" Rae said and soon after the door opened.

Once the door was fully open, in walked Athena and Will. The first thing I noticed about them was that Will wasn't wearing his mask. Although, I automatically thought that he had ever lost it or it got broken, so I didn't question it.

"Lumeria? Your awake?" Will said with a smile growing on his face.

"Wait, that means you can help with t..." Athena started saying to me, however, was soon cut of by Sherbert.

"It's not safe for them with the condition they are currently in, besides they've not long woken up from their coma" Sherbert said.

"Help with what? I'm confused" I said.

"Did Rae and Sherbert not tell you?" Will asked, to which I shook my head.

"I guess you should probably know now then. Fable told me and Sherbert that in order to redirect the Aether portal to Purgatory, then we need to kill a god, Perix as she is currently the weakest. In order to do so, we have to kill the warden and as we know it's what I turn into when asleep. With doing so, there's a chance I won't make it and even if we don't kill the warden, I might not have much longer to live as, due to the skulk in my lungs, I'm dying" Rae sighed.

"I should probably say this now rather than leaving it to even later, but Lumeria, your also dying. Somehow, skulk has managed to grow around your heart. As it continues to grow, it's putting more pressure on your heart and eventually it's going to completely kill you" Sherbert sighed, trying to hold back tears.

"Well whether you two like it or not I'm helping you kill Perix and if I die I die, nothing can be done about it" I said. I then stood up from the bed and turned to face my siblings. All they did was give me slightly worried looks, but I could tell that they both knew there was no changing my mind about this, so they both stood up from the bed and the three of us turned to face Will and Athena.

"So, what did you two need?" Rae asked Will and Athena.

"Centross told us to tell you that it's time" Athena said.

"Okay, Lumeria you got all your what ready?" Rae asked and I nodded.

Soon the five of us left the Banner Fam house and met up with the others helping to fight the warden out the front of Will's house. There I saw Caspian, Ven, Centross, Wolf, Ocie, Aax, Jamie and Momboo.

As soon as we arrived at the group, they all started asking me questions. Most of the questions asking if I was okay, to which I responded with a yes.

"Is everyone ready?" Centross asked as I decided that I should put on my armour. In response, the group responded with many variations of yes and then, we all set off to the portal.

Princess of the Gods // FableSMP × OcWhere stories live. Discover now