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aera's POV

"hello im soo aera please take care of me" i muttered the sentence with an eye roll stepping back to my previous place while handing the mic to the next member

I felt jiwon's fingers pinching my waist as i hissed at her with a glare "aera that was rude" she whispered "but i hate these lame ass introductions, the fuck is take care of me?" I replied

The introductions were now over and its time for the mr ceo jyp to say his few words to the crowd who were currently waiting for the new group debut

"I hope you guys be satisfied and entertained with our new kband!" He ended his sentence but with unfortunate the crowd was displeased knowing its a krock band

"Hey we though its a new kpop group isn't there already a krock band?" "We've been waiting for their debut just for them to be a kband?"

Many disagreements were heard by the angry crowd but jyp has excused us and himself off the stage leaving them shouting at no one

"We haven't released our single yet and we are getting hate" i said sarcastically with a sly smile just for me and jiwon to hear but unlucky us it was loud enough for jyp to hear

" every group in this company went through the same, even more and look where are they now so stop complaining" he replied and i just scoffed at him quietly.

"I was sarcastic by the way" i added still walking behind him along the other band mates. Jiwon once again pinched me and i glared at her "watch your tone young lady i can kick you out right here right now" he said in a matter of a fact as i ignored him this time and decided to let it slide.

Because i honestly don't wanna go back to my previous life and let all these years of training go to waste.

"You are one different kid aera, I don't think anyone could talk back to him other than straykids seungmin" jiwon giggled

We were now inside the company's huge building jyp has already left and told us to practice one last time today for tomorrow's shooting.

the four of us headed to the studio chatting and discussing about tomorrow and how nervous they are. I walked with them silently listening to everyone.

"Aera unnie why are you so quiet?" The youngest of the group mai asked me with her hand on my shoulder as i gave her a warm smile and shook my head "its okay mai-ah i love listening to all of you" i reassured her and she sighed leaving me and going beside haerin

We reached the elevator and stepped in pressing the digit 4 where the studio is scanning the elevator with our id "do you guys think we could bump into one of our sunbaenims?" Jiwon asked curiously

"Ofcourse dummy its jay why pee company duh" mia stated sassily and fit of giggles filled the empty elevator, was soon interrupted with a ding sound indicating that we have reached our floor.

We walked together following the paths that one of the assistance showed us earlier to where the studio is.

Back then as trainees we had a whole building for everything so we won't mix up with idols so we were used to practice at the old studio even after our debut wad planned

"Im so excited" haerin stated with a smile while jiwon was jumping around with a squeal

"I think that's on-" "YAH ITS DORI NOT DOORI" i was cut by a loud voice yelling in the room we had just entered.

2 grown up men fighting on a couch while three others were dancing in the back and one in the corner with his phone and the last two were eating cups of ramen

"Oh fuck" i muttered with a flustered face looking at the 8 men who were now looking at us "oh- sorry" i said quickly closing the door again looking at the three other girls

"What was that?" Haerin asked with a red flushed face "i think it's the wrong room" i said gulping and grabbing them to somewhere far.

"Are those..." Mia said pointing at the room "yeah straykids...." Jiwon ended her sentence with a huge grin "WE RAN INTO THE STRAYKI-" "JIWON SHUT UP" i said smacking the girl's head as she replied with a groan

"What should we do we are in a deep shit stuck in this floor" haerin said with clear nervousness washing her "um go to the reception?" I replied

"Thats sort of embarassing you go i won't" "me too" "me three that leaves you aera" they all pushed my towards the elevator "woah woah what about we go all?" I suggested as they all shook their head

"We don't know anything about this huge ass building what if we get lost?" Haerin said again now panicking and mia was gratefully here to calm her

"Oh you" another voice joined coming from behind jiwon and we all turned to the owner of the sound

It was the blonde dude who was on the phone earlier.

"SORRY WE DIDN'T MEAN TO INTERRUPT YOU I SWEAR WE AREN'T SAESANGS OR ANYTHING WE ARE NEW I- I-" haerin said out loud bowing to him 90 degree and the rest followed her i stood there scratching my neck with a nervous laugh following them soon.

He replied with a chuckle and bowed back "its okay not anyone is allowed to get in here anyways so i figured you must be trainees of newly debuted group" he stated

"Are you the new group? Oh im hyunjin from straykids" "oh hello hyunjin sunbaenim ahaha yes we are a bit of lost right now we can't find the studio" i replied with a apologetic eyes and he just laughed

"No problems here let me show you" he turned and walked away while the four of us trailed behind him like lost puppies

"Thats hyunjin I can't believe it!" "Yes yes oh gosh he looks beautiful im gonna faint" the youngest two mia and jiwon were fangirling now pushing each others out of excitement but i bet already that hyunjin has heard them already

Minutes passed with nothing but silence all around the space then hyunjin stopped suddenly making me and the three girls stumble upon each others "thats the studio its kind of two rooms away from the practice room! If you need anything im usually there" he said sweetly excusing himself

"He's too sweet i feel sorry for him for having us with him on the same floor" haerin said with a sigh sulking "cmon we have no time to sulk around we've been freaking for 40 ass minutes over the room" i said dragging her in.

As everyone grabbed their respective instruments, me with the bass guitar while mia has the electric one, jiwon on the keyboard and haerin on the drums

"And one two three!!"

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