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Felix pov

"Yongbokahh~" minho sang wrapping his arm around my shoulder while i pour the boiled water in my ramen cup "whaaatt" i sang back at him

"Wanna come with me tomorrow?" He asked and i looked at him curiously "where? Your cats?"

"No i already visited them and my parents last week. Jyp has been talking non stop about the new band" he said smiling innocently looking at me

"Hmmm and" I replied knowing where all of these are trailing to "the one who ran into us on our break" he added

"Yeah yeah" "wanna pass by them with hyunjin? He has already met them and knows where's their studio" he offered me as i pretended to think for a while

"Why the sudden visit though?" I asked raising a brow "i don't know its not like we always visit trainees on our own will but hyunjin said he wants to buy them a small cake to celebrate their debut. so why not tag with him" minho unlatched his arm on my shoulder walking to the sofa that we have in our shared dorm

I walked beside him with my cup of ramen ln my hand holding it carefully before resting my butt on the soft fabric of the sofa beside him.

"Okay sure why not" i said shrugging eating my meal happily as we both chatted about many topics. For good minutes

"You know if jyp finds out about your tattoo you are doomed" minho suddenly blurted out of nowhere looking at me seriously dead in the eye

"What has done is done hyung. All i have to do is hide it from him with a concealer or anything" i stared at the empty cup front of me with a sigh.

Tattoos weren't exactly my thing but i wouldn't mind getting one or two. Only if i was ready for it and have the consent from jinyoung park to do it

But getting a one flower tattoo below my neck while im drunk and without jyp's consent is what i would actually mind and fear

I groaned resting the back of my head on the sofa while closing my eyes. "At least it's not some big ass tattoo im grateful its just a butterfly one" minho said trying to hype me up while getting up from his place before going to the corridor where his room at

"G'night mate" he said in a broken Australian accent causing me to laugh. "Goodnight"


A dolphine like scream woke me up from my deep slumber frighteningly. Adrenaline pumped in my body as i jumped out of my place while clutching my chest "sweet mother of heavens" i panted catching my breathes as i stared at the phone that still played the screaming audio continuously

"These stupid idiots" i cursed under my breathes snatching my phone to close the stupid alarm before it wakes the entire neighbourhood.

And ofcourse i assumed its one of my teammates specifically han who changed my alarm's ringtone to jeongin's loud scream

I got up from my fluffy mattress walking straight to the bathroom to do my morning boring routine

"Please tell me minho is already awake" i groaned grabbing my toothbrush staring at my messy reflection on the mirror

After finishing doing my stuff at the bathroom i picked the outfit i prepared for today which consisted of oversized white tee and a skinny jeans along with pair of comme des garçones × converse shoes

I slipped into my casual fit for today and tossing my pajamas on the bed before walking out of the room.

And luckily there was minho in the kitchen making pancakes for breakfast "i see you are in good mood" i greeted him sitting on one of the dining chair "yeah better not ruin it or you are eating the cat food" he said sarcastically pushing a plate full of deliciously made pancakes

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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