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aera's POV

"what time is it" i asked breathing heavily after hours of singing and moving around "eight twenty" jiwon replied slipping her phone back in her pocket "thats a wrap then lets go" i signalled as we got up to pack our stuffs

"Today was so wow" mia said in awe while she grabbed her charger stuffing it in her small cross bag "because we ran into your boyfies whatever they are called" i said rolling my eyes "you act so much older than your age unnie" mia and jiwon laughed together as i shot a glare

"Better than some teens who can't hold there hormones front of their idol" i fired back earning whines from them "hey it's not our fault he looks so majestic and that you are way more older than 20 years old, mentally"

"Oh yeah better than being 18 and having a mentality of a 9 years old child" our quarrels continued until haerin stopped me from beating up those kids with my bass

"Why am i here..." Haerin complained grabbing me to pack my belongings that was scattered everywhere

After everyone has finished packing we turned the lights off closing the door behind us

"Long day is ahead us tomorrow girls y'all better have your beauty sleep" i said stretching my arms with a yawn "you too aera" haerin replied patting my head

And on our way to the elevator we heard chatterings and laughs from coming from behind us  "shit better speed up before we end up in an awkward situation" haerin said taking steady steps which soon was followed by me

The both maknae ofcourse were taking their time walking in slow motion making me and haerin grabbing both of them but soon a loud shout stopped us "HEY WAIT!"

We are doomed

We stopped on our tracks looking behind us meeting 7 boys cracking up together "oh hey..." I noticed Hyunjin the only one familiar with jogging to match our pace "hi! Sorry we left our ids with felix and he's currently down would you please take us with you in the elevator " he asked with pleaded eyes and i just sighed

How could anyone resist his little puppy eyes? And as guilt washed over me I nodded "Lets go" i said as we all walked together "right i didn't get ahold of y'all names sorry" hyunjin added leaving his group members behind "im soo aera this is the eldest and the leader kim haerin and those are yu mia and Kang jiwon" i introduced ourselves to him

"And we are bolt" i finished with a small smile which he returned "sorry if my friends are a bit of loud i think they haven't noticed us heh" he said awkwardly and i chuckled saying no worries

soon we reached the elevator and hyunjin called out his friends to grab their attention. finally noticing him they tried catching up with us "oh wait hyung" they jogged towards the elevator

We got in thankfully it was big enough to have has all together. The ride was full of tense and painfully quiet

"I think ill faint" mia whispered leaning against me as i held her gently. The elevator finally reached the ground floor as the doors opened we all got out. I sighed out of relief not knowing i was holding my breathes the entire time


"Home sweet home..." I said scanning the dorm i share with these dorks. It was as usual messy and unorganised. Me and haerin left earlier today so the place was all for these two little pigs "clean up right now or no sleeping" i ordered sternly placing my shoes on the cabinet leaving the duo groaning.

The living room was full of empty cups of ramen and chips plastics with numerous soda cans also many clothes scattered.

I wonder if they are actually girls or not. judging the environment they were staying in. And i don't even wanna know how their rooms look like.

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