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Aera's POV

"sorry!" I immediately apologised after making the third mistake on row while shooting our mv. "Its okay aera we can go through it again" the director said sympathetically but he probably wants to crush my skull right now and here judging hus facial expression

I looked at my feet disappointed letting a sigh escape my lips. Jiwon patted my head resting her hand on my arm "its okay aera we all fuck up sometimes. Haerin is on her 7th retake now" jiwon said smiling from ear to ear pointing on the other side of the place where the struggling director and the frustrated girl are as i let out a laugh

"Thank you for the confidence boost tho" i thanked her returning back to my spot to reshoot the scene again.

"And 321 !"

The camera closed up to my face as i teared my gaze away looking at the beer can ive been holding for the past 40 minutes

"Cut!" The director stood up from his seat with a small smile after frowning for the entire day signalling me that we finished "great job aera we did it this time. have some rest till we go on the next scene" he said patting my shoulder as i excused myself to me and my bandmates resting room

The shooting was taking place in a huge abandoned garage not so far away from the company. Mostly dance covers were filmed here due to the good lightening here that gives off cool vibes and ofcourse the graffities that was all over the walls which made it even better

I reached the changing room where jiwon and mia at. Mia and jiwon had finsihed their scene not so long ago and haerin was ofcourse left there still filming her part

"that's tiring but fun in an odd way" i stated closing the room door behind me grabbing both the girls attention "oh aera unnie finally you finished" mia exclaimed happily scooting away to make space for me on the couch

"Felix from straykids is live! Some people are mentioning our band" jiwon squealed in excitement watching the live through mia's phone with full attention

My phone was nowhere to be seen probably in my bag where i left it with the managers so i was forced to watch with them to stay contented until haerin finishes

"Unfortunately chan hyung isn't here to accompany you guys with me" the boy displayed on the screen said with a small pout.

Though he looks extremely squishy and cute his voice said otherwise which startled me a little and the both younger girls noticed laughing at my reaction

"Hmm i see the name bolt a lot in my comments.... felix have you heard about the new band debuting under your company?" He read the comment out loud which caused the two dumb fangirls to scream

"Oh well yeah i did hear about them! the others have met them already. Looking forward to their debut album " he pressed his lips making a thin line while clapping his hands happily

"Oh my gosh he knows us he knows us he is looking forward to our album" jiwon held mias shoulder shaking her vigorously

"Suddenly i have the energy to shoot another ten scenes of the mv" mia replied which made me giggle at her "you little fa-" "DID I MISS SOMETHING" haerin busted in catching her breathes while resting her hand on the door for support

"Not really much they are just freaking over this dude for mentioning our band"
I pointed at the device mia was holding and haerin just sighed walking towards us

"LE GASP HOW DARE YOU" mia clutched her heart dramatically "Its felix stupid" jiwon slapped my arm with a scowl probably offended by the 'this dude' name i labelled her idol with "ow whyyy" i whined pinching her as she hissed at me.

"Sort of a good start?" Haerin cut our quarrel in almost question tone. She sat on the opposite coach resting her exhausted body before we all head to the last few scenes for today


"Anndd done! Thank you everyone for your hard working today. the last scene well be finished by tomorrow hopefully " the director announced as we all clapped "congratulations girls" haerin hugged the three of us as we all smiled. few tears pricking off Mia's eyes as we all teased the maknae in response

"im so happy" she muffled from haerins hug. We all laughed at the youngest of the group patting her hair softly.

We went back to our cabin to change back and pack our stuffs. Its currently 5pm which means it's sunset already. I walked back exhausted from todays events wishing I could go back to my comforting bed and sleep

Once i reached there I immediately stripped off and changed into my casual clothes I wore earlier and placing the mv ones on the sofa neatly

I grabbed my phone that was bombarded with notifications and as usual i ignored them going straight to Instagram logging into the band's account

I chose one of the selfies i took today morning that i found it quite cool and a group photo with my members. Adding a simple caption for my first post

Hope everyone is excited as us !!

#애라 #볼트 #인스타볼트 #애라볼트

"Perfect" i muttered before pressing the post photo with little excitement rushing through my veins. This was the third post on our Instagram account and my first ever post

I smiled closing my phone making sure to keep my notifications on silent or else.

I walked outside the changing room and also considered as my cabin towards the exit. The place was now much quieter. The scattered tools that belonged to the staff was nowhere to be seen now.

"Weird did i take that long?" I asked myself still eyeing my surroundings. Minutes has passed and im stood front of the SUV that belonged to the company.

"Took you long enough" jiwon rolled her eyes making some space for me to butt in between them.

I closed the car's door gently while the rest were setting their seatbelts.

The car started moving and we were all settled in our seats. Jiwon rested her head on my shoulders probably trying to sleep. Mia was on her phone scrolling and haerin was gazing outside the window listening to music through her airpods

I took my phone entering Instagram to check my post i uploaded

Hope everyone is excited as us !!

#애라 #볼트 #인스타볼트 #애라볼트



If felix is looking forward to their debut album then i am

I smiled reading the good comments from various users. Well there was negative once and some disappointed that we aren't a new kpop group

I could careless about them anyways i was more than happy to even notice them. "cool post aera" mia said giving me a thumbs up

I grinned in response thanking her. I closed my phone resting my head on jiwon's letting the tiredness wash over me

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