V2 : Chapter 1

1.8K 73 11

3rd Person POV

It has been a couple days since the midterm results were announced.

Since then, Ayanokoji has been labeled as the unofficial leader of the class, with Matsushita and Horikita as second-in-commands. Karuizawa, Hirata and Kushida have taken some form of social leadership of the class, making some connections with other classes.

Matshushita and Kushida appear to have some tension between themselves. Both looking to find out who that mysterious person was, unable to get results.

There was also a slight uproar after the school announced that there will be a cruise for first year students, as a reward for passing the midterms without expulsions.

The current class points after the midterms were:

Class-A - 1004

Class-B - 663

Class-C - 492

Class-D - 87

Today, they were supposed to get their points for the month. For Class-D, it was the first batch of points since the 100k they blew away.

That, however, didn't happen.

Ayanokoji POV

As Chabashira-sensei strode into class, she wore a displeased expression.

"You may be wondering why your points were not delivered yet. In fact, no 1st year student has received their points for the month, it was delayed. That is because there was a complain filed by class C against Sudou from your class."

She continued explaining the situation. How 3 Class-C students said that Sudou called out and attacked them. Sudou said that he did have a fight with some students from that class, but that they called him out and started the fight, calling self-defense.

As he was telling his story, everyone was looking at him, except for 3 people.

Horikita was scanning the other students.

I was doing the same.

Lastly though, Sakura Airi, a solitary student. She mostly minds her own business, but she always pays attention when something like this happens. This time however, she was constantly looking down, trying not to attract attention.

Maybe she knows something.

"A trial will be held a week from now, on Tuesday, to settle this case. Depending on the result, there may be changes in class points, and punishment for misdemeanors." Sensei stated.

As soon as sensei finished, she left the classroom. Hirata took her place at the podium.

"I want to believe that Sudou was telling the truth earlier. To prove it though, we will need to find witnesses. Did anyone here witness the event?"

No hands were raised. Everyone was looking at Hirata, except for the same 3 people. Doing the exact same thing as each of us was doing earlier.

"Let's talk to students from other classes as well, then. If we try we will hopefully come out unscathed."

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