𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

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Katherine and Regina strolled into Granny's where they found Gold and Belle having lunch

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Katherine and Regina strolled into Granny's where they found Gold and Belle having lunch. "Gold. We need to talk" Regina said.

Katherine slid into the booth next to Belle and smiled at her before stealing one of her fries. "Do we?" Gold asked.

"Folks, I think I may need to close early, everybody out" Granny called out.

"No, it's okay. We're civil" Katherine said to her. "Yeah, for now," Gold said. "Belle, you remember the woman who locked you up for 28 years."

"If you two could put this aside, for now, we have bigger problems. One's that concern all of us" Katherine said.

"And what would that be?" Gold asked. "Cora," Regina said. "She's coming from our land. I need your help to stop her."

"But! She might be with Killian considering the last time I spoke with him he was on a mission to kill her. One that you sent him on" Katherine said, looking at her mother.

"And he did. You said you saw the body" Gold said, looking at Regina. "Well, apparently you taught her well. She's not. And she's on her way and I don't think I need to remind you how most unpleasant that would be for both of us" she said.

"For you," Gold said. "I can handle Cora. And as our daughter said, she could be with the pirate."

"Please. If Cora's alive then she probably killed him" Regina scoffed. "Thank you, mother. It's nice to know you care" Katherine said, glaring at her.

"Gold, you know I'm right. You really think you can protect both Belle and Katherine from her?" Regina asked.

"I'm sorry. Who is this woman?" Belle asked.

"Someone you will never meet," Gold said turning to Regina. "So you say she's coming. Where is she now?"

"With them," Regina said.

Katherine scoffed as she stood up from the table. "I bet you two are hoping he is dead. You better pray he's not because if anything happened to him it's me you'll have to be afraid of" she said, before storming out.

。゚☆: * enchanted forest 。゚☆: * present

Aurora awoke to the faint sound of someone calling her name. Her head was pounding and the last thing she remembered before blacking out was Cora's face.

A voice echoed in her ears, begging her to wake up.

"Wake up. Wake up. Come on, sweetheart. Wake up. Wake up."

As her vision got less blurry she panicked seeing Killian standing before her. "On your feet. Hurry!" he said, pulling her up.

"No! No, are you here to kill me?" Aurora shouted, looking around the dungeon she was in.

"If I were here for that, then waking you first might not be the best course of action," he said, using his hook to break open her chains.

"So, what? Did Cora send you-"

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