𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚

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The screech got loud as the flying monkey got closer

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The screech got loud as the flying monkey got closer. Katherine tossed a fireball at it and it disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Turning around she heard more screeches and realized Zelena had been busy making dozen of her winged pets. "Son of bitch" Katherine mumbled, before running toward the boat house.

"What are these things?" Henry shouted. "Just stay behind me," she said, tossing a fireball at one. She glanced over at Killian who was shooting at them with a gun that looked like it was from the 1800s.

"Why do you have a gun? Where the hell is your sword?" she shouted, as they fended them off. "I lost it!" he yelled.

"How the hell do you lose a sword?!" she shouted, throwing another fireball.


Katherine turned around to see Emma, Regina, and Mary Margaret running toward them. The screeching brought her attention back to the problem at hand.

Taking a deep breath, Katherine created a giant burst of magic energy in her hands before she tossed it into the sky at the rest of the monkeys who screeched before bursting into clouds of smoke.

"Henry" Emma shouted, running over to him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, but what were those things? And how did Katherine get rid of them? And why does he have a sword?" Henry asked, gesturing to David.

"It's all gonna make sense in a minute, I promise," Emma said.

"What are you talking about?" Henry asked.

"I'm sorry I was keeping things from you. You were right. You deserve to know the truth" Emma said, holding out his storybook.

"About fairytales? I don't undestand" he said, looking at the book.

"Do you trust me?" Emma asked. "Yes, of course I do," he said.

"Then I need you to believe," she said.

"Believe in what?"

"Believe in magic," she said.

Henry sighed but nodded as he took the book from her, putting all his faith in his mother. Everyone watched in anticipation, waiting to see if he'd break the curse, or at least get his memories back.

Henry turned to Regina, suddenly no longer looking at her like she was a stranger. "Mom!" he exclaimed. Regina smiled as she ran over to him, pulling him into a hug. "I remember" Henry cheered.

"Do it, Emma" Regina said. "Break the curse."

Emma nodded, a smile on her face as she was about to kiss Henry on the forehead. Suddenly Regina fell to her knees, struggling to breathe.

"Mom!" Katherine shouted, dropping down next to her. Zelena appeared behind them, a smirk on her face.

"So sorry," she said. "Now who wants to say goodbye first?"

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