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Everything is blurry around me."Y/N!!! Y/N!!" Someone shouts."Y/N!! don't worry nothing will happen to you!" Some other person says."You deserve this, bitch!!!" A girl says while laughing."Catch her!!" Someone shouts."Leave me! Leave me! I didn't do anything!" Someone pleaded."Catch everyone, make sure no one runs" Someone orders."Call the ambulance!!" Someone shouts."Take her... quickly! She has lost a lot of blood!" Someone informs."Y/N, don't you dare close your eyes!" Someone demands."We are with you!" Someone whispers. There is only chaos... something is ringing, someone is crying, someone is shouting...!" I love you..." someone says... and these are the last words I hear before Black takes me.


"What the hell happened to my daughter?" A man in middle age shouts."Dad... she..." A guy in his mid-twenties tries to explain. "You! Don't you even dare to call me, Dad. You lost that right... when you broke her heart!" The man shouts."Jungkook! Are you all right?" A lady questions the guy who just arrived with an injured band-aid arm."Mom! How did you come here?" He questions."I informed, Lisa!" The same guy from before answers."What happened to Y/N?" Another lady questions who is crying her heart out! Then he narrates the whole story.


"Y/N!!" Taehyung shouts and I turn around."Y/N!!!" I shout as I hear the sound of the bullet. Taehyung stands with pain in his eyes in front of her. Whereas her back is facing toward me. I see the shock in Jennie's eyes, while she stands further from the three of us still holding the gun in her hands.I observe a slight movement on Y/N's right side."I'm sorry..." Taehyung cries in pain while looking at her and I assume that he took the shot for her... BUT to my surprise when suddenly she stumbles and almost loses balance falling into my arms, and pressing her right hand on her abdomen. I get worried! Before I could react to anything she raises her hand toward Taehyung."It's no..t yo..ur fa..ult," she says while shuttering. But when she removes her hand from his cheek... there is blood all over his cheeks! Before I could say anything...she lost her balance and fell to the ground. I fall with her still in my arms. I shout her name. She is still breathing but her eyes are half closed. Suddenly the Police barge in from nowhere and start arresting everyone. They arrest Jennie along with her men and she pleads saying that she didn't do anything. I get to my senses and shout, "Call the ambulance!!"Some people in white uniforms come running towards us and one of them checks her wrist before informing his partner, "Take her... quickly! She has lost a lot of blood!" They take her to the ambulance and Taehyung and I get in too, with them. She is still half awake and the doctor inside the van informs us to make sure she stays awake before we reach the hospital."Y/N, don't you dare close your eyes!" I demand but her breathing becomes uneven. Taehyung moves towards her face as if his whispering something in her ears. After a while, we reach the hospital. They take her on the hospital's stretcher before running inside. The nurses block Taehyung and me as they take her into the OT. I whisper I love you before leaving her hand. As we wait for the doc to come out, Taehyung comes with a nurse. "Go band-aid yourself first or else it will get infected!" He urges. "No! It's okay. I'm good, I want to see her first." I inform."She will be okay. Don't worry! and don't you think she will get more worried, seeing you like this?" He asks. I think for a while and give in."FINE!" I say and walk with the nurse toward the first-aid room. When I return after a while I hear some noises.

"And this all happened and we all landed here... like this!" I said to everyone. As Taehyung called Lisa, she came with both mine and her family."How is she, doctor?" Y/N's father questions as soon as the doctor came out from the OT."Well her health is still critical, as she lost a lot of her blood... but don't worry! We all are trying our best," The doctor informed before going inside again.