Chapter 4.

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Several days have passed since we came in King's Landing.My duty was to go with my father on the council meetings and watch over my sisters.I had two guardians who were following me everywhere.Milah and Ser Jamie or Golden Boy as I called him.


"You don't have to follow me everywhere Ser Jaime,"-

I said as I was walking through the hallways of the castle.Milah was following my every step.She didn't mind Ser Jaime.She actually liked him.Which was very strange for her.

"I'm afraid I have to.Otherwise King and your father will have my head on the spike if something happens to you."-

He said with his husky and seductive British accent with a small smile.I made a turn left and walked faster.

"I have a private life, you know."-

~"We all have , Lady Emilia."

"How am I supposed to have a privacy when you are following my every step."-

I Said as I rolled my eyes.A man with golden hair let out a small laugh.

"This is the exact reason why I will never get married,"-

~~"So you don't have a husband, Lady Emilia?"-

He raised his eyebrows and asked with sarcasm in his voice.I gave him a stare.He smirked.

"I don't want one."-

~~"You are lucky.Your father is a good man.He will never force you to marry someone."-

He said as he looked away.I could see the sadness in his eyes.We stopped walking.I turned around facing him.

"What about you,Golden boy?Have you ever been married to someone?"-

I asked softly with a devious smirk on my face.

He smiled sadly as he stared abstractedly at the nowhere.

"No, Emilia.I haven't."-

He let out a small sad gasp and sadly smiled as he looked back in my eyes.I flinched gently as I continued to walk in silence.

What secrets does this man keep? What is his story? I was thinking in myself when we finally came to my,Arya's and Sansa's chambers.Guards greet Ser Jaime and me as the bowed.I smiled.

As the door opened I saw my little sister sitting in the fathers lap and they were both smiling.Ser Jamie came in with me.


She yelled and ran into my hug.

"Why,Hello to you too"-

I said laughing.Her eyes were full of happiness,excitement and joy.Father gave me a look after he greeted Ser Jaime.

Possesive Lion(Game of Thrones Fanfiction;Jaime Lannister)Where stories live. Discover now