Chapter 8

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"Winter is coming."Famous Starks saying.Now,you can hear it more often from the people.Nights are fresh and cold,wind is running wildly through the woods,vilages and cities.Animals are starving and they are closer to the humans every day.

People don't leave their homes at all.They are too afraid.Eyes.Someone is watching them.Someone is hunting them.This time it's different.Hunter becomes a hunt. Long winter really is coming.


Emilia's P.O.V


I was staring and washing my cold bloody hands.Blood seemed like it would never wash off.Blood or guilt.My eyelights were heavy and I even cold dirt seemed like a good place to take a nap.I was exahusted and I probably lost few pounds today.I was skinny though so that wasn't a good thing.I had that feeling like I could collapse at any moment.

Something behinde me hushed and I rapidly turned around throwing a knife.I immedietly reqonized my gorogous blue-eyed wolf.Milah.Luckly I was so exahusted that knife land just between her paws.An inch more and it would land between her eyes.I smiled and caressed her head.

-"I completely forgot about you, silly."-

I said as I hugged her.It was like hugging a horse cause she was too big now for jumping in my arms and cuddling.She cried out quietly as I tighten my hug.Then I remembered.

She was wounded too.I crouched beside her and examined the wound.It certainly wasn't big and nasty but it definetly hurt and slowered her down.It was like a deep scratch.I walked to the table grabbed bottle of drink(alcohol of course) and gaze.I pulled one sip as Milah stared at me and narrowed her head.She had that judging look although she didn't know what was going on.

-"Stop.I don't look at you like that when you tear people apart and eat them ,so stop."-

I mumled and she followed me out of the tent.I was caring bottle in one and gaze in another hand.

Just as we walked out I saw six guards sleeping by the fire.A small wave of anger overwhelmed my body.I coughed few times and they all flinched and immediately stand up and straightend.

-"Hand!"- One of the began.-"Forgive us,please,we were just tired a little bit."-

I raised my eyebrows and smiled sarcastically.

-"I suppose it's okay.Your King is laying there and fighting for his life and you are tired."-

I began sarcastically.Guard wanted to cut me off but is raised my hand giving him a sign to be quiet.

-"My La-"-

-"Shh,I said I understand.I just wanted you to know something."-

I leaned forward and whispered slowly in his ear so only he could hear me.

-"If you let anyone pass and meanwhile King dies ,I will consider you as a murderer."-I smiled and continued.-"I won't kill you,I will just ripp your eyeballs out along with your balls,so you can scream so loudly that whole Kingdom can hear you."-

I hissed through my teeth and laughed shyly.His eyes winded but his gaze still remain on the ground because of the respect.A drop of sweat fell down his forehead as I wiped it off .

-"I hope you will have shifts from now on Ser."-

I said as I walked away along with Milah.Rage was running through my body and I furiously walked pulling Milah with me.I shouldn't snap like that.I wish I could be more patient like my father.Lady needs to be patient and kind.Not bloodthirsty and rude.
I guess that I got that from my mother.

Possesive Lion(Game of Thrones Fanfiction;Jaime Lannister)Where stories live. Discover now