In Bed

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< Cersei Lannister >

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< Cersei Lannister >

I just stood there, staring at her. She did the same. To be fare, I could have knocked, but I didn't feel like it. But maybe I should have. She seemed a bit taken aback and her gown didn't hide anything of her beautiful body. I wanted that body to be mine. Mine only. I felt hunger for her arise in me, but quickly tried to cover it up. I was sure it had shown for a moment though.

„Your Grace", she finally broke the silence, „what can I do for you?"

Oh, so many things little pup, I thought. But why was I here in the first place? With Alice standing half naked in front of me, I had forgotten why I had come - if I even had a reason at the outset. I wasn't too sure of that either.

„I just wanted to see that pretty face of yours again", I replied watching at how her cheeks turned a light crimson colour and she awkwardly shifted around. I had an effect on her, I was sure of that. But would she really want anything to do with me of all people? The moment we locked eyes outside of these walls, I was intrigued. She was wearing a pretty dress like everyone else, but yet seemed different. She had her own aura. And I wanted to learn more about that mysterious person that lurked behind the facade of the eldest sister in a perfect dress. I wanted to know: Who was Alice Stark?

Well she certainly liked showing off her body in the evenings. That gown made me want her and feel a slight twinge in my lower stomach. Instead of following my instincts, I went over to the dresser and poured myself some wine. Thank god she had some in her room. I then sat down on her bed and motioned for her to sit next to me. I saw her stiffen. I definitely created some feelings inside of her. But were they the ones I hoped for? I wasn't sure. Only one way to find out, I thought and took a big swig of wine. Alice slowly lowered herself next to me. She was so sweet.

„Who are you, little pup?", I asked, lowering my head next to her ear.

„Alice Stark, Your Grace."

„Oh stop the titles. Call me Cersei."

„Yes Your Gr- Cersei."

„Are you betrothed to anyone", I whispered, laying my chin on her shoulder. I could feel her tense even more, her breathing grew ragged. I was pretty sure by now, that she was uncomfortable around me, and I could only think of one reason why. She felt the same way as I did. In answer to my question she shook her head and just stared at me. I wondered what she was thinking about, what was going through that pretty little head of hers. We locked eyes, those beautiful grey eyes. Those of a proper wolf. And she was. I had seen her way with her family. It was dear to her. And she loved her siblings. I would never forget the way she carried out her little sister Arya. Where had she gotten so strong? Arya was small but still not the lightest. And for someone who was only meant to do sewing - very impressive. But that was Alice Stark. Very impressive allround. She was bold. She wasn't ashamed of telling me she hated sewing. I smiled at the memory. That probably meant she wasn't interested in any other womans work either. We just looked at one another. I felt hunger for her once again. I needed her now. And then I leant in. Her lips were soft. I started kissing immediately. She seemed a bit taken aback at first but quickly started kissing back. So I had interpreted correctly. She was drawn to women and she was drawn to me. The most beautiful woman I'd ever met. I knew what risk I was taking. Knew what would happen if someone caught me and told Robert. But I didn't care. All I cared about was having Alice, right here right now. My hands snaked to the back of her neck and pulled her even closer to me. She was such a good kisser. Where could she have learnt? Another thing I had to find out.

„Cersei, we can't-", she started, but I quickly shushed her by pressing my lips onto hers once again.

„Cersei-", she began again and pulled away. We were both breathing heavily.

„What?", I asked, desperate for more. I could see everything I wanted. I didn't only want to see it.

„We can't be doing this. If someone catches us, our heads will be on spikes come morning."

„Only if someone catches us", I smirked and got up, locked the door and returned, leaning in once again. But she pushed me away yet again. Gods, why was this girl so complicated. Did she want to fuck me or not?

„What now?", I sighed.

„But- you're married", she said quietly.


„Shouldn't you be with His Grace King Robert?"

„As you saw at the feast, Robert isn't most devoted to me. I intend to do as I please, since he does as well."

It seemed she didn't need any more persuasion. She kissed back passionately now and we lay down on her bed, devouring eachother hungrily. It didn't take much time to rid her of her clothes and I helped her with mine. Her naked skin felt so good on mine, so soft and smooth. How could a living object be so perfect?

„Is this your first time little pup?", I inquired, breathing heavily.

She nodded. I smiled.

„Count yourself lucky."

Then I started kissing down her body, leaving my mark here and there. She was mine. I didn't want anyone else to touch Alice Stark. I inserted two fingers into her, she was already soaking. All I got to hear from her were moans and gasps, as she steadily got closer and closer to her orgasm. I decided to be mean. Her first time should last a little longer. I pulled away from her just before her climaxe. After the second time I did this, she was whining and a sensitive mess.

„Please, keep going", she begged me.

I smirked, inserting my fingers into her once again and started pumping quickly. This time I didn't stop and muffled her scream with a kiss, as she came. She just lay there for a little while, breathing heavily, recovering. She looked so beautiful. The brown curls all around her on the bed, her chest heaving up and down, a few beads of sweat covering her body. I just watched and waited. For all that I cared, we could stay like this forever.

„Cersei", she said and stroked my golden curls.

„Glad you enjoyed yourself", I replied, nuzzling up to her.

She started kissing me and her hand made its way between my thighs. I moaned as she inserted one finger into me, her thumb brushing over my sensitive pearl. For someone who hadn't slept with anyone before, she definitely knew her way around. She inserted a second finger almost instantly and started pumping faster. I could feel my climaxe starting to build up, the knot forming in my stomach. She was so good at this. I came shortly after, accompanied by a string of moans.

„Very good", I panted, pulling her into a kiss. We just lay in eachothers arms, I was gently stroking her soft, brown hair. She was better than Jaime had ever been. I wanted to be with her , and only her. Alice had drifted off by now. She looked like an angel. But I couldn't love her. This was even worse than loving my brother. No one was going to back us up. And I was siding with the enemy. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't. I felt sad at the thought of leaving her, something I had never really felt before. Alice was something special. And yet I had to let her go. This had to stay a one time thing. I cautiously got out of the bed, so as not to wake her and got dressed. I had to find Jaime and get him to make me forget about Alice. Maybe if he did an excellent job, I'd manage to forget.

So, here's your update. Even with Cersei's POV 🫣
I hope you guys enjoyed it, let me know if my smut was okay 🙃
And we won't talk about the time of day...🙄 (00:50)
And btw I did sort of steal the nickname from RocketSheep01 just changed cub into pup 🙈
Also, let me know at any time if I was stealing... I'll be sure to give you credit😉

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