Crumbling of the Legacy

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< Cersei Lannister >Right after I had Ser Gregor looked after, I went to see father

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< Cersei Lannister >
Right after I had Ser Gregor looked after, I went to see father. With Tyrion out of the way, I was now going to end my engagement to Loras. I only wanted to be with Alice. I had been comforting her and we had both upheld our promises. We would not let this or anything else destroy our relationship. And that included my stupid engagement to this stupid cock-sucker.

„We've been over this. The matter's closed", father spoke.
„I'm opening it again."
„You were betrothed to Loras Tyrell. You're still betrothed to Loras Tyrell. And you will marry Loras Tyrell as soon as Tommen marries Margaery."
I ground my teeth at the thought of that smirking whore from Highgarden. She had her claws in Tommen but I doubted she had eyes for him. She only had eyes for my love. I was a jealous woman. And jealousy made me want to get rid of people. And I wanted to get rid of the Tyrells.

„I will not", I replied.
„Jaime cannot marry or inherit lands. Tyrion's sentence will be carried out tomorrow. You have on several occasions made great claims about your commitment to this family's future. Your role in that future is more vital now than it ever was."
„I don't care", I said quietly. „I will stay in King's Landing where I belong with my son, the king." And with Alice, I added secretly.

„When you were nine years old, I was called to the capital. I decided to take your brother with me and not you. You insisted that you would not be left at Casterly Rock under any circumstances. And if you recall-"
„I'm not interested in hearing another one of your smug stories about the time you won. This isn't going to be one of those times."
„Do you think you'll be the first person dragged into a sept to be married against her will?", father threatened me.
„When you marched into the throne room to tell me we'd won the Battle of Blackwater, do you remember? I was sitting on the Iron Throne with Tommen, Alice by my side. I was about to give my boy essence of nightshade, that's how far I was willing to go when I thought someone awful had come to take my son away. Someone awful is coming to take him away."
„No", father said and turned to leave.
„Joffrey is dead, Myrcella's been sold like livestock and now you want to ship me off to Highgarden and steal my boy. My last boy. Margaery will dig her claws in and you will dig your clwas in and you'll fight over him like beasts until you rip him apart. I will burn our house to the ground before I let that happen!"
„And how will you do that?", father sneered, not taking me seriously. But I could spread so much information, that would destroy him. I pondered for a short while and decided now was the time. Now was the time to tell him everything.

„I'll tell everyone the truth."
„And what truth would that be?"
I started smiling. „You don't know, do you? You never believed it. How is that possible? What am I saying, of course it's possible. How can someone so consumed by the idea of his family have any conception what his actual family was doing? We were right there in front of you and you didn't see us. One look, one real look and you would have known."
Father looked at me, confused. The satisfaction I was getting out of this was unbelievable. Even more so than I got with Alice.

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