~Chapter Two: A human amongst a monster~

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It was Saturday, and Salem was downstairs playing video games with Tom while Tori went out to run some errands. Since Tom was only seven, someone had to stay home with him, luckily, Tom has two older siblings.
"THAT'S AGAINST THE RULES, SALEM!!!" Tom yelled, with annoyance. Salem laughed at his little brother's frustration, "No it's not. I can do this if I want to, dude." He grinned at his little brother who was fuming with anger, just about fed up with his older brother's antics. "All right, all right. I'm gonna go get some air and we can catch up on the game tomorrow," Salem said, letting out a small sigh. "Okay!" Tom replied, calming down. Salem nodded and got up, fixing the turtleneck he wore, and walked outside.
He walked for a while, stopping at a forest. He sat down slightly away from it, and relaxed. As he sat, he felt the ground start to shift, he tried to stand, but the ground was shifting too much. Suddenly the ground opened up and he felt himself fall backwards through the ground. It felt like a scene that had changed within the blink of an eye. He landed heavily on the open ground as if he'd fallen from a height, the ground soft however.
"Ughh.. my head..." he groaned, dizzy, his eyes closed, his head sore and confused. He thought he'd heard a rustling sound and a small gust of wind in the still surrounding, but ignored it.
Once he felt the pain was going away, he slowly opened his eyes and looked around. It appeared to be a meadow except, it wasn't night, but mid day. He saw a close silhouette with horns, wings, and a tail. 'What the hell?'

'What the heck? What was that?.. He just appeared? Maybe he-' "Are you Satan?" asked the unfamiliar person. "What?" Olive asked, taken aback and confused that the question was so casual.
"Are you Satan? Am I dead? Is this what Hell is?" He was asking too many questions for Olive to process. "I-I'm sorry? This isn't Hell and I'm not Satan," Olive responded, surprised at first but then figured, he probably did look like a demon, considering he had horns, wings and a tail. Even red eyes and sharp teeth. As Olive thought about it, he became upset, thinking everyone thought of him as some monster, a being that only causes pain and suffering.
"Then are you an angel?.." Olive paused in thoughts, no one had ever referred to him as lovely as that. Angels were known to be creatures of beauty, peace and forgiveness. He felt as if he wanted to cry, he wasn't an angel and it was mere confusion of the unfamiliar face, but it made him happy. Once he'd toned his emotions down, he responded once more, "I am not any heavenly or hellish being. I am Olive, an albino pygmy dragon. Who are you?" The urge to cry was strong but he subdued it, eager to know who this new person was. "My name is Salem," the new person said. Olive leaned in to get a better look at him, almost a foot away from his face.
As he looked, he noticed Salem was quite handsome. He took in the features of his looks, holding his face in between both of his paler hands, the contrast of color leaving no surprise in Olive. 'Definitely not a vampire, he doesn't have a vicious look to him and I'd probably be dead by now.. his ears also aren't pointed at all.. what is he? Perhaps another shifter? Maybe a mage, he looks like a skilled mage. Yikes! What if he can read minds! Oh dear,' he thought, slightly cautious. As Olive looked him over, he couldn't help but smile. "You're handsome, it's nice to meet you Salem."

Salem couldn't help but stare as Olive held his face in between his hands. He suddenly jolted and jumped backwards, though landing on his back as he was still on the ground. "HOLY SHIT!! DON'T TOUCH ME!" he screamed, reaching around for a stick but finding none. He saw the creature shrink backwards, his wings slightly shielding his sides. 'He has red eyes and teeth sharp as a shark!! What did he say he was?' He struggled to get up quickly and backed up, not sure whether to run and risk losing sight of him, or leaving himself vulnerable. Instead, he backed away slowly, hands up in defense.
Olive spoke quietly and with nervousness, "I'm sorry.. Am I frightening...?" Frightening didn't even begin to explain how Salem felt. He watched Olive get up and move closer to him. "GET BACK!" Salem yelled, thinking of possible ways to escape in case he attacked.
As he looked Olive over, he noticed the silver jewelry that the strange boy wore. He had a silver clamp on his neck, some on his arms as well as bracelets and other forms of jewelry. He was beautiful. As Salem looked closer, he noticed he was covered in scars, some old, some new and other strange marks. 'He looks so thin.. as if he's starved. Perhaps he's malnourished? He's beautiful, is he sure he isn't an angel? He may not have a halo but he's stunning. Wait what? Did he say something?' Salem snapped back to what was possibly reality—still unsure he wasn't dreaming—and waited for the angelic creature to respond again. "Did I scare you? I'm sorry.. you're hurt but I have some medicine, can I help you?" he asked, inching closer to him. Salem had to think about the question before answering. 'Do I say yes? What if he's lying and kills me, or poisons me. But.. something is telling me I should trust him. Is this what a gut feeling is?' He nodded, "..Uh. Yeah, sure." While he was still unsure, he agreed to letting the beautiful stranger help him.
Olive ushered him to sit down, getting as comfortable as possible. "So.. what did you say you were?" Salem asked, his voice as quiet as a whisper, watching Olive pull some cartoonish potion bottles out. They didn't seem to be mysterious black gas, or watery substances. Instead of what he initially thought, it was actually like lotion, but a sweet pinkish, purple color, it reminded Salem of the clouds in the sky during a sunset. Olive popped the cork off and dipped two fingers into the wide bottle and brought it to his mouth. 'Is he gonna eat it?- I thought it was medicine for my injuries?' he thought, a little concerned. Olive held the lotion-like substance to his mouth and blew a small flame which amazed Salem. Not only was Olive beautiful, but he could breathe fire. The substance that had initially been pink and purple, shifted to a calming periwinkle. Olive then started gently rubbing the cuts and scratches with the substance. Salem wanted to laugh through the feeling, it was a cold, tingling sensation despite Olive blowing fire on it.
"I apologize, bruises can't be healed with this medicine. Only open wounds," Olive muttered gently. Salem barely heard what he had said, so in return he just nodded and mumbled, "Uhuh." Salem hadn't heard him because he was so focused on the way his cuts started to close by themselves with the help of the medicine.

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