~Chapter Nine: Love again~

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     As Olive played in the sun, enjoying his time, Salem watched him, making sure nothing happened. During one of his spins, he spread his wings out as far as they'd go, raising them as high as they'd go. "It's so pretty out here!" 'I love it here! This America place is so beautiful!' he thought as he kept spinning and twisting, moving around some more. "Dove, we may need to go back in, in about an hour," Salem amused by his boyfriend. Olive flapped his wings, a few loose feathers falling, "Okay!"
     As Salem watched Olive, he couldn't help but get up to join him. He took Olive's hand in his, the other, holding his back. He spun around with his love, having just as much a good time as Olive was. They kept playing and enjoying the sun. When Salem brought Olive back in, he followed Salem to the couch and sat with him, falling into a nap.
     When he awoke, Salem was still with him, holding him against his body, watching a movie. "What's this?" Olive asked, drowsily. Olive had his head turned towards the movie. He watched as a character in the movie had a rat on his head, pulling on his hair, the man blindfolded and moving around when his hair was tugged. Salem looked down at him and back at the tv, rubbing his hand gently, as he spoke, "Ratatouille. It's a good movie." Olive nodded and kept watching, so focused on the movie that when Diane opened the front door, Olive nearly fell off the couch. If it wasn't for Salem grabbing onto him, keeping him away from the wooden floor, Olive would've hit his face on the coffee table. "Sorry Olive, I just came back from the store, I got you two some clothes and other necessities. Oh and some snacks, Salem wanted you to try some American food," Diane said as she put the bags down on the table and took everything out, putting other groceries away in the pantry. 'American foods? Sounds interesting..' Once she was done sorting out the items, she put a bag of clothes in Salem's lap and the other in Olive's. As the movie played, Olive sifted through the clothing Diane had bought him. 'She got me some foundation too. I remember asking her for some when we called Salem. She didn't have any for me though.. so we just used paint- we mixed some..' "Thank you Miss Diane!" Olive got comfy once more on Salem's shoulder, watching the movie.

     He looked down at the small, pale white bottle that Olive received. 'She got him foundation? Oh.. right. His scars.. he's pretty just the way he is..' Salem changed positions, picking up Olive and moving him as he laid down on the couch, placing him down in front of him. He held Olive so that if he moved, he wouldn't fall off. Tori walked over, "You never really came off as the cuddly type, Salem. I'm glad you're happy though." Salem smiled at his sister before attacking Olive with little kisses. He watched as Olive's wings fluffed and spread out with surprise. He himself was overjoyed to finally be reunited with his one love. Tori laughed to herself and walked off. Salem ended up moving Olive onto his body, showering him with his love and affection. Eventually he went back to watching a movie with him and Olive ended up falling asleep on Salem's chest. Salem rubbed his back as he slept, occasionally petting his twitching wings. Salem pulled out the multi realm phone that Olive had in his satchel and unlocked it, taking a picture of them and getting a close-up on his sleeping face. He smiled and called Diane and Tori over, asking to play a board game with them as Olive slept.
     "Which game? I have Sorry, Monopoly, Uno, and I think I have Hungry Hungry Hippos." He listened as Diane listed off the games she had. "Mm.. Tori, what do you think?" He looked back at Olive, petting his wings as he asked his older sister for a decision, "Let's do Sorry. That's a decently quick game." Salem looked back at her and nodded, "Let's play then."
     Once they had the game set up and the rules read out loud, they started playing. "That was on purpose, Salem!!" As Tori shouted, Salem could feel his boyfriend move around slightly over his body. Feeling this, he started to rub his back in long strokes, soothing him. They continued to play, their voices getting louder through the heat of the match. He had to keep making sure Olive stayed asleep and comfortable as he slept, Salem knowing that Olive loved taking naps. Olive would always take at least two to three naps throughout the day and maybe another if he ever got sick. Salem passed the time by napping with him, it didn't take very long for him to doze as his wings were very soft and light. 'So precious.. What have I done to deserve him? He's such an angel..' Salem thought nothing of Olive except how lovely he was and how much he meant to him. 'Hm. At least no one else can have him. He's my dove..' At that thought, he lifted him up slightly and kissed his head. "Salemmm, he isn't going anywhere, hurry up, it's your go," Tori groaned. He looked over at his sister as Diane had just finished her turn. He rolled his eyes and drew his card, reading it and moving one of his players the amount of spaces he was given. "Sorry, Diane." He gave a smug smile to Diane, having knocked her player off the board. "Ahh, Salem. You're too good at this game." The three of them laughed, "It's just luck, nothin' else."
     Diane had suddenly made a comeback in the game and won, Tori getting second place, leaving Salem in third. "Ah damn, seems you're too good at the game Diane." She grinned at his discovery. "How about a rematch. One player this time however, to make things interesting," Tori said, getting competitive. They put their extra players back in the box and their one player in the start section. Throughout the second match did it get more aggressive, Tori and Salem biting each other with their competitive retorts. A flap of a wing messed up the board game, everyone knowing who it was that caused the board to be messed up. Olive had started to stir even though Salem had been rubbing his back. "You alright there, dove?" Olive had been woken up, Salem thinking it was their competitive game. "Mh.. what time is it?" he asked. He stretched out, his wing reaching across the coffee table which was about a foot away from the couch, his tail swaying as he stretched. Diane checked the time, "Uh 1:10, did you need something dear?" Olive resumed his sleeping position and looked at Diane, "Mm.. no I just got hungry." Salem smiled at him and sat up, careful not to hurt Olive. "You can try those snacks Diane bought, if you want. Is that alright Diane?" He looked over at her, knowing that it was more polite to ask the host before doing anything.

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