// yellow //

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yellow is the color of the mind and the intellect. It is optimistic and cheerful. However it can also suggest impatience, criticism and cowardice.

Jenny's p.o.v

*beep beep beep*
*beep beep beep*
*beep beep beep*
After what seemed like endless beeping I finally rolled over in my bed to be greeted the blinding light of my phone screen with "wake up loser you're gonna be late" written across it. SHIT. It's 8am. I have 20 minutes to get ready and get to the bus stop before I'm late. God I need a shower I stink. I hop out of bed almost running towards the bathroom, turning on the shower, there's about 2 millimetres between Antarctica and the fucking sahara desert. After a good 5 minutes of fiddling with the shower I found that blissful temperature.

I unlock my phone taking no notice of the notifications plastered on my screen to text sammie and kenzie.

"I'll be on the later school bus don't wait up"

And finally get in the shower.

Shower done.

I don't even have time to put on an ounce of make up fuck. Guess I'm just gonna have to go with the half dead look today.

I half dry my hair as its all I have time for before leaving my house and running to the bus stop.

Right on time for the bus. I stick my hand out signalling for the bus to stop. What the fuck? He just drove right past me.

"Could this day get any worse" shit did I just say that out loud?

I pull out my phone to text sammie and kenzie again.
"Hey, that prick of a bus driver just drove straight past me, I'll be about 30 minutes I'm walking"

After about five minutes of walking just listening to music through my head phones I open up my phone to check the notifications I dismissed earlier. A few Facebook game requests nothing new, some Twitter notifications. Kwazy cupcakes notifications trying to suck me back in, but no I will not give in I am strong.
Oh fuck it I have a half an hour walk ahead. I open my Kwazy cupcakes app and complete about 10 levels in 15 minutes. A notification from Luke pops up at the top of my screen.
Luke; jennie? (8:37am)
I instantly reply as I have nothing else to do. And also I'm secretly in love with the boy but you know whatever.

Jennie; yeah? (8:38am)
Luke; Idk if you noticed but you sent a message to me instead of Sarah last night... (8:38am)

What? I scroll up my screen and see it. Fuck. Only I could accidentally confessed my love for someone. All these thoughts are running about my brain. What do I say? Do I ask him if he feels the same? I don't want to seem desperate. Do I just brush it off. Say it was a joke? Ignore him and pretend like it never happened? He probably laughed at me when he seen that message. Shit.

Jennie; fuck.. Luke I'm so sorry (8:43am)

God why am I saying sorry. What am I sorry for? Loving him?


Hey hi hello.
It's yo gurl Sophie.
Short chapter I know but I wanted to leave it here make y'all think a little idk.

(Relevant song has been added to this chapter)

Stay psychotic 👽
Stay sassy 💁🏼
Stay B-E-A-UTIFUL 👼🏼

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