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"What is it?" Imogen asked, bracing herself.

"Would you come to the Queen's Anteroom this Saturday?" Montjoy asked, his eyes pleading. "It's a club in Abernathy. It is, however, um... of an unusual kind."

"It's a drag club, I know," Imogen answered comfortingly. "I was told the shows there were most excellent."

She decided to omit the fact that the source of the above information had been a couple of old biddies.

"Right, yes." Montjoy laughed shyly. "They are. I've only just joined the company. My stage name is Joy Montague."

Imogen was, once again, aware, but kept this fact to herself.

"Mont-joy. Joy Montague." The Constable chuckled. "A little play on words. I've got a gig on Saturday, and there are a couple of people in the club I'd like you to meet. They might have some information on Hugo Staunton. As you can imagine, I can't discuss anything with you, neither in my professional capacity, nor outside my work hours; you might get some important answers."

Imogen gave him a confused look.

"What information on Hugo Staunton? Wait– was he in the club that night?!" she exclaimed.

Montjoy toppled the rest of his brew in his mouth and rose.

"Thank you for the pudding, Imogen," he said. "I'll be going now."

Imogen jumped to her feet as well.

"I'll be in the club on Saturday!" she assured him.

He studied her for a second and then nodded.

"You'll have to be discreet," he said quietly. "So, choose your companions, if you're bringing any, wisely." His tone was pointed.

Imogen confirmed that she understood, in a hushed voice; and after a quick goodbye to the Mayor, Montjoy was gone.

Imogen still had half an hour before she had to start on her direct responsibilities as the Mayor's assistant; and she sat back down at the table, deep in thought.


In the evening she was meeting Clementine Popplewell, John Holyoake's wife, in the Oak and Shield. Imogen arrived half an hour early, as she tended to, especially when anxious or preoccupied.

Once she came into the pub, she realised that they had most definitely chosen the wrong night for a serious private conversation. Tables had been pushed to the walls, leaving space for dancers; and the place was packed. Imogen internally scolded herself for forgetting it was the infamous monthly latin dance night.

"Imogen!" a jolly voice rang close to her ear. "What are you doing here? Are you finally giving salsa a go?"

Imogen whipped her head and met the gorgeous brown eyes of Yusuf Nawaz, Fleckney's second best dancer.

"Oh hiya, Yuzuf," she greeted the man back. "No, no, thank you. I'm meeting a friend– A relative, more like. A friendly relative. Clementine Popplewell. Have you seen her?"

Yusuf glanced around the pub. "John Holyoake's partner? Can't say I have. Oh by the way, have you gotten a chance to look into the vandalism?"

"Pardon?" Imogen asked distractedly, trying to ascertain whether Clementine might have had the same habit of showing up for a meeting way too early.

"My Aunt's garden? The one that got dug up? It happened again! Are you in the Town Hall looking into whoever is digging in people's yards?"

That made Imogen stop in her tracks.

A Woman About Town (Fox & Oakby Murder Mysteries Book IV)Where stories live. Discover now