Chapter 3: Meeting part 1

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??? pov: I felt warm and dark. How long has it been? Am I still alive? I was slowly opening my eyes while trying to sit up. I was in a room, it seemed like a small house, wasn't I outside? "Where am I?" "Sis?SIS YOUR OK!" he went straight for a hug, which made me wince in pain. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you "" It's fine" I said as I was ruffling his hair. "see I told you she was going to be fine" wait who? I turned around and saw the skeleton again. Did he help me? "Where am I?" I asked. "when i found you and your bro i brought you to our place" So he did help me. "Umm i guess i should thank you then" "No problem" "SANS HAS THE HUMAN AWAKENED YET?" someone yelled loudly. "yep" I then heard someone running until the door quickly opened revealing the other taller skeleton I saw earlier. He was significantly taller compared to the other skeleton. "HELLO HUMAN! YOU HAD A LOT OF INJURIES AND YOUR HEALTH WAS VERY LOW. BUT I'M GLAD THAT YOU ARE AWAKE AND HEALTHY AGAIN!" "Oh! umm thank you." "hope you don't mind but what happened?" the shorter skeleton asked. Should i tell them?.."Well we fell down and met a yellow flower that attacked us" "HMMM YELLOW FLOWER....DO YOU MEAN FLOWEY?" the taller skeleton asked, I nodded in response. "THAT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE HIM HE'S USUALLY FRIENDLY" Usually friendly? "Wait a minute..SIS we haven't introduced ourselves!" Now thinking about it we never really did. "No guess not. Want to start?" "YES! Ahem.. My names Leo and that's my big sister Emerald" "WELL HELLO! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS AND THIS MY BIG BROTHER SANS" the-I mean Papyrus said. "Nice to meetcha" Sans extended his hand and offered a handshake. I'm not one for physical contact but he did help me, it's the least I could do. I reached for his hand 'Pphhfftt' "hehe the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. it never gets old." Did I? Did he just? A whoopee cushion?! "SANS..." "i'm only greeting a pal" Pal? Does he consider us friends? We just barely met. "WELL YOU MUST BE HUNGRY, THANKFULLY I THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAVE MADE MORE SPAGHETTI" "i don't know paps. are you sure they have the guts to eat it." "SANS NOT ANOTHER PUN!" Ppfft haha that was actually pretty good. I tried to control my laughter "Oh no...SIS dont you dare!" I heard my brother yell "haha that was..pretty puntastic hahaha" "OH NO NOT ANOTHER ONE" I heard Papyrus complain. After we all calmed down we were brought downstairs and began eating Papyrus spaghetti. "Wow its...-" "GREAT!" Leo said while taking another bite. As I continued eating (mostly forcing myself) I think I was losing my taste buds. But it's not that bad... I mean it's definitely better than nothing. "Yeah.. it leaves me speechless." "WHY THANK YOU." While I was waiting for Leo to finish I noticed Sans who was in the corner. He seemed to look at us from time to time. As if he was observing us, or more like me then my brother. He seemed like a funny and friendly person but...what if this is all a plan, a set up. They might have helped us but they could be hiding something. Or at least Sans is, he hides more than what he shows. I can't be careless now after all, I have to protect my brother.

Sans pov: There's something definitely more to her, what if she plans...on killing everyone in the underground. Dealing with two humans doing genocides is gonna make my job a lot harder. But then what about her brother? They seemed really attached, could they both..nah her brother seems too..not the killing type. I better keep a close eye on her.

~Why not a new POV for this chapter~

Leo pov: WOW, this was really good. I still can't believe what happened today! First it was that scary flower and now these cool and friendly skeletons! I hope we can be friends. Papyrus seems like fun to hang out with. "I'm done," I said. I then saw Papyrus grab my plate and put it in the sink. "OH SANS I HAD A GREAT IDEA. WHY DON'T WE SHOW THEM AROUND! WE COULD GATHER EVERYONE AND MEET WITH FRISK!" "....sure why not. great plan papyrus" Around? I wonder who else lives here? I was really excited "Sis can we?!" "Sure" Yes! This is gonna be fun. "THEN LET US BEGIN THE TOUR WITH THE GREAT PAPYRUS AS YOUR GUIDE" We walked outside and i saw the white snowy forest. I never had a time to actually see this. "RIGHT NOW WE ARE IN SNOWDIN NEARBY THERES SNOWDIN TOWN BUT OUR NEXT STOP SHALL BE WATERFALL." That sounded interesting. I wonder if it's going to be as amazing as snowdin. "so what do you think of snowdin kiddos" "It's increbible!" I said still looking around "yeah it's definitely a cool place" "yep i snow" Auggh nooo. "PUNS ARE BANNED DURING THIS TOUR!" Papyrus yelled annoyed.

Emerald pov: Leo's really enjoying himself. The walk was very peaceful in Snowdin, the cold air, the falling snow and there were many people who walked by; dogs, bunnies, cats, most of them greeted Sans and Papyrus. Everyone seemed so friendly here. We started walking to a cave "WELCOME TO WATERFALL" It was amazing. The water seemed to calmly flow through, the plants swerved but what caught my eye were the glowy flowers. "What are these?" 'what are these?' Wait, did it just repeat what I said!? "These are echo flowers," Sans said. "Echo flowers?" 'echo flowers?' Well now I see why they are called that. "ECHO!" Leo yelled and soon they repeated it back. Everything here seems so..magical "WE ARE ALMOST TO UNDYNE'S HOUSE, SO LET'S CONTINUE?" My brother and I both agreed. We continued walking till we reached a round house. Papyrus then knocked on the door "UNDYNE ITS PAPYRUS! I HAVE SOME NEW FRIENDS I WANT YOU TO MEET!" Suddenly the door opened revealing a blue fish lady. "PAPYRUS! Wait, are those humans!?" A blue spear appeared in her hand. Oh no. "WAIT UNDYNE I WANTED YOU TO MEET THEM." I heard Papyrus say "Oh I'm sorry.. I got kind of carried away a bit" A bit? I thought she was literally going to kill us on the spot. "Hi, I'm Leo and that's my big sister Emerald" My brother casually said as if we weren't about to be attacked a minute ago. "Hey" I replied, still shocked about what happened earlier. "I'm Undyne, captain of the royal guards here" "CAPTAIN! Royal guard! That sounds cool" Leo said. "Yep sure is" "UNDYNE WE ARE ON OUR WAY TO VISIT ALPHS WANT TO JOIN US?" "I have nothing better to do. but I'll wait outside." "OUR NEXT STOP IS HOTLANDS!" "yeah its a hot spot" Papyrus only scolded Sans for the tenth time because of his pun.

" "OUR NEXT STOP IS HOTLANDS!" "yeah its a hot spot" Papyrus only scolded Sans for the tenth time because of his pun

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~So I had time to do this! This is how Emerald and Leo look like in case if you were curious

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~So I had time to do this! This is how Emerald and Leo look like in case if you were curious. I'm not the best when it comes to drawing digitally but I think overall it looks great. Also 1180 word count, yay! That's it have a nice day/night/evening.

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