Chapter 13: The multiverse

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It was the next day, surprisingly everything was quiet and calm, comfortably sleeping away in slumber.. Until a black puddle suddenly appeared taking shape of two skeletons

??? pov: I reached Undertale what again? "Why am I in Undertale?" "You were going to ask Classic about the party" my buddy Dream said next to me. "Oh yeah I forgot" "Sometimes Ink i don't know what would happen if i weren't here" I ignored the rude comment and started looking around till i spotted Classic sleeping. He was covered up with some blankets. Looks rather comfy and warm. "Hey Classic wake up" He shifted around a bit. "Give me five minutes bro" Huh Classic voice sounds...a bit different. Maybe he's sick? "Classic its Ink" he... completely ignored me... how frustrating "Classic. Classic. Classic. Classic"

Dream pov: I looked at Ink who kept trying to wake up classic, I'm surprised he hasn't woken up yet. Oh and it seems Ink started pouting, guess he got frustrated. "hey Dream, what's up?" "Nothing really, Ink is- wait Classic?!" "yeah?" "Wait if you're here then who's?" I turned around and saw Ink ready to kick whoever was there "WAIT INK!" but it was too late, i felt bad for whoever was there. "WAKE UP!"

Emerald pov: I woke up to a terrible pain, why is it always my back? "Bro what was-" I turned around to see Sans and two smaller versions of him. I'm guessing they are some alternate versions of Sans. Auughhh, it's too early for this. "OHMYGOSH! Another human! This has NEVER happened before! How are you?! How did this..." the short skelton with the oversized brush just kept rambling until he vomited ink on me. "My jacket!" "Sorry, I got too excited," he said while wiping his mouth. "SIS!? Are you al- who are you?" "ANOTHER HUMAN!" aannd he threw up again...on my shoes. "Are you okay?" "oh yeah i just do that when I'm excited!" "I'm also fine just covered in ink" and my back which is still in pain. "I'm really sorry about that. Im Ink, guardian and protector of aus" while he said that his pupils kept changing colors and symbols. Wait, did he just say guardian? "Hello, I'm Dream Guardian of positivity" said the other wearing mostly yellow clothing. I only stood, still trying to process all of this. "Hi im Leo and that's my sister Emerald" "It's nice meeting you two" Dream said "Nice to meet you two"

Ink pov: I still can't believe what's going on. This has never happened before, there never was another human. I'll write it down in my scarf later. Now i was here for a reason..oh yeah "Hey Classic want to come to a party later" Classic shrugged and said a simple sure. "Great Dream, mission accomplished. Now let's go visit Blue" "You know Blue?" A small kid asked "Do you know about the aus?" I asked "they've met Red, Blue and Horror" Classic said. I've got a great idea! "Classic, do you mind if I borrow them? Thank you!" while everyone was confused I grabbed Broomie and made a portal dragging the two in "WHAT THE-" the older one yelled as i pushed them in the portal.

~In Underswap~

Walking around, I knew we were in Underswap! I then heard a gagging noise oops guess I forgot to warn them. "Ink you have to warn them next time" "Sorry Dream" "wait who?" "How about the kids you just kidnapped?" the older human said. Did I kidnap them? "Emerald and Leo?".....oh yeah! Now I remember "Where are we?" the smaller kid asked, i think his name is Leon? Leo? Something along those lines. "We are in Underswap, we were going to visit Blue" I said. "We?" what was her name again. Let me think...."Its Emerald" oh yes "Well i thought traveling aus would be a good way to get to know you two" "It would be nice to properly know each of you" Dream said. Emerald seemed to look around, she seemed a bit unsure. "Come on sis. We get to visit other aus!" the small little kid shouted. I kind of like this kid already. "Eh..why not" As soon as she said that, we headed to Blues house.

Dream pov: We all began to walk through Snowdin. It felt very quiet, maybe I could start a conversation? "So Emerald, how did you and your brother end up in Classic's au?" I could sense her curiosity and doubt while she continued to walk. "Well we fell in Snowdin's forest" "yeah then we meet Flowey" Leo continued "...yeah...that walking salad, in the end Classic and Papyrus saved us" So thats what happened. "Pfftt walking salad that's a good one" Ink said while laughing. "Hmmm, what's your favorite food Dream and Ink?" Leo asked us. "Well I personally like bananas" I answered while smiling. Something about memories. "I love pancakes!" oh pancakes that would be my second favorite. I do enjoy fluffy pancakes in the morning. "I enjoy anything meaty besides that chocolate is a good snack" "Really? Well guess now there's three of you. Anyways, skittles are the best. WAIT now's my turn to you like drawing? " Of course Ink would say something related to art. "I mean I-" "My sister loves to draw!" oh she likes to draw, I think Ink was happy to hear that, "Really!" Ink was jumping up and down very excitedly. "Well I used to. It's been a while since I've last drawn." She seemed a bit down while walking "maybe we can hang out and all draw some time" "Great idea Dream." I do hope they would like to, they seem very kind and fun to be around. "Dream? Ink?" it seems Blue spotted us before we did "Oh Leo and Emerald are here too!" "Hi blue" they both said in unison. "Hey Blue we came here to pick you up and eventually found these two" "Maybe more like dragged then found" Emerald clarified, while i tried to hold my laugh. "Well the next stop is Outertale, is everyone ready?" Ink then created a portal and we arrived in a place of Outertale "Wow it's beautuful" It was nice to see the two awe in amusement. Emerald even seemed to enjoy herself, I kept feeling doubt and worry from her. "You know Outertale is very popular for its scenery and it's perfect to stargaze" I said "I can see why its...there's just no word for it." Emerald said. "It's incredibly amazing" Leo said while still looking around. Me and Blue started giggling a bit while we saw the two look around. They were so amused by it, they looked like curious kids examining every detail. We spent the rest of the day stargazing and talking, it was really fun. "Ok kiddos, sadly its time for you two to head back" Ink offered to bring them back while me and Blue headed to the base. "Bye guys, it's nice meeting you" "Bye Dream! Bye Blue! See you soon!" And they left, today was a great day.

Sorry I haven't written recently. I was busy with school and stuff. However, I do hope you enjoy this new chapter (I also have a new story I began writing if you want to check it out) That's all, I hope you have a nice day/evening/night.

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