Chapter 10: Snowplay

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Leo pov: Today was an overall normal day. My sister surprisingly is already awake. Wait a minute....Shes sleeping in the kitchen! "SIS time to wake up!" "WHAT?! Woah" and she fell oops. "Are you okay!? I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't know you would fall '' I really didn't think she would react like that. "Hey don't worry, I'm not hurt. Fall just came sooner than I thought" "Sis..." I really don't like when she makes terrible jokes, that's one of her worst ones. But at least she's fine. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Papyrus came rushing in. "Nothing, I just fe-" "OH ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Papyrus then asked a bunch of questions. Sans then came down, he probably woke up from the noise. *Once Papyrus calmed down and they finished their breakfast* I heard a knock on the door, I wonder who came? "LEO DO YOU MIND OPENING THE DOOR" Papyrus asked, I nodded and left to open the door. When i opened it I saw Frisk and MK "Hi Leo, we came to ask if you wanted to play with us" MK asked. "Let me tell the others first, I'll be back in a minute. I went back to the kitchen "Sis can I go to play with my friends?" "Sure and i'll be there too just got to do something first" "Thank you, bye sis" I then ran back outside to play with my friends. "WAIT THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL COME AS WELL" papyrus said following me. This is going to be fun.

Emerald pov: Papyrus then left with them..It's nice to see him happy and I'm glad that he has found some friends. "Well I'm on my way to Alphs to finish these paperworks" I told Sans" "k, i already told her you were going. I'll be there in a bit." and he fell asleep. As I left for Hotland, I was cautious of every noise and sudden movement. I still had to be careful with that walking sals out there.~After a careful but calming walk~ Finally I made it, I felt proud of myself for not getting lost and not getting attacked. Once I entered the lab I found Alphs anddd a robot? "Hey Alphs" "Oh y-your here" "oh darling and who is that?" the weird robot asked while looking at me "Im emerald" "what a gorgeous name but i have to say we need to improve your fashion sense." ............ "what?" "Mettaton I need t-to do some work now c-can you go p-please" the robot who im guessing is called mettaton left. "S-sorry for t-that" "It's fine" "hey what did i miss?" Sans came in suddenly which spooked Alphs a bit.

Leo pov: I finally was able to finish my masterpiece. We decided to each make snowmens and Papyrus became the judge. But it turns out we all won because we all tied. "How about we make animals next!" "Great idea MK" I then thought about an animal. Which animal should I try to build? Ohh maybe I should do a turtle? Or how about a wolf? A bird? Crocodile? No, I got it, a shark! "Hey bro" "Hi sis look at what we did!" She looked around and saw all the snowmens we did. "Papyrus and me did that one together" MK told my sister "Wow, you guys are very creative, nice snow buddies. what are you guys doing right now" "Were building snow animals, right now i'm building a cat" Frisk said "Im building a cool giant bird" "and i'm doing a shark" "cool mind if I join" We agreed and headed back to fixing our snow animals. ~Some time later~ "Ha fear my shark pet" "fin-tastic shark kiddo" I was glad that sans liked it, although it meant a terrible pun. "Sis, is that a dragon" "yep" I then had an idea, since we were all done. I grabbed some snow and yelled "Snowball fight!" It was free for all, and there were many snowballs being thrown. But my sister was somehow able to dodge and hit us most of the time. That's when Frisk had the idea of teaming up and thanks to Frisk we were able to win. "Leo, how could you betray me like that" my sister said, very dramatically and falling to the floor...dramatically. In the end, we decided to make a truce, but we still won. Kids rule!

~So quick little info i forgot to mention is that Leo is a kid, around the age of 6-7 while Emerald is 14-16. Also if anyones curious, during Alphs meeting they did figure out Emeralds soul. I decided to go with a mix of justice and kindness, which is a fairness or Equity (for short) soul trait.

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